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Texas United States USA 1967 stock footage and images

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People select groceries and other items from supermarket shelves in the late 1950s, in Yonkers New York.

Interior of a suburban American supermarket or grocery store called the Grand Union Food-O-Mat, located in the Cross County Shopping Center in Yonkers, New York. A woman stands beside her cart or trolley and looks at greeting cards in a rack. View of a person's hand choosing a can of soup from shelves filled with soup cans including many by Campbell's Soups. Views of various products being lifted from the shelves by hands of shoppers, including Ivory Snow detergent, Cream of Wheat cereal, Minute Rice, Tapioca pudding, Bon Ami cleanser, Blue Cheer, Quaker Oats instant oatmeal, French's Instant Mashed Potatoes, Progresso canned tomatoes. Each time, a new item slides into place via gravity fed shelving which the Grand Union termed the Food-O-Mat. A young boy helps his mother choose plastic cups. A child wearing a winter coat walks to an end cap and lifts a giant box of Tide laundry detergent powder. Camera pans by plastic wrapped meats in the butcher section of the store that Grand Union called the Meateria.

Date: 1958
Duration: 38 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675050579
Motorcyclists race across a 100 mile track to reach the finish line in Daytona Beach, Florida.

A motorcycle race in Daytona Beach, Florida. People on a beach to witness the race. License plate on a motorcycle. The motorcyclists race across the 100 mile track. A participant slips. A checkered flag is waved as the winner reaches the finish line. Close up of the winner.

Date: 1954, March 8
Duration: 59 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675050610
Helicopters carrying U.S. Marines land, the marines offload and take aim at Camp Pandleton in California.

U.S. Marines demonstrate new techniques of amphibious warfare to offset threat of atomic retaliation at Camp Pandleton in California. The marines load into helicopters. The helicopters take off and in flight. People watch the helicopters in flight and photographers click pictures. A helicopter lands and the marines get off. The marines in prone position aim guns.

Date: 1951, July 23
Duration: 52 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675050612
A colorful parade of floats and and men dressed as women at Miami Beach in Florida.

The 33rd Annual Convention of the American Legion at Miami Beach in Florida. Legionnaires parade and salute. The parade includes decorative floats. Men dressed as women (men in drag) walk in the parade. Spectators enjoy the parade.

Date: 1951, October 15
Duration: 37 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675050622
The Southern Methodist University Mustangs defeat the Notre Dame University Fighting Irish by a score of 27-20 in South Bend, Indiana.

Highlights of college football game between Southern Methodist University Mustangs and the Notre Dame Fighting Irish. The film opens with a glimpse of a Southern Methodist band member leading several others as he runs across the field carrying a Confederate battle flag, just before the football game begins. Next, Mustang quarterback, Fred Benners (No.47) is seen throwing a long pass to Benton Musselwhite (No. 21) who runs for a touchdown. View of crowd cheering. Notre Dame is seen next in their "I" formation from which John Mazur (No.1) falls back before successfully passing to Bill Barrett (No. 37) for a gain. The Irish follow this with a play by running back Paul Reynolds (No.18) who takes the ball over the goal line to close the point gap. Notre Dame supporters cheer. Then, with SMU in possession, Quarterback Benners is rushed and gets off another pass, this time to Russell (No.24). On the next down, Benners and Russell repeat another pass to score and SMU leads 13 to 6 in the first period. SMU supporters cheer wildly. The next highlight shows a Notre Dame 4th down punt that results in a fumble recovered by Notre Dame. Next, Mazur of Notre Dame throws to Chet Ostrowski (No. 63) in the end zone to tie the score. The next highlight shows Benners throwing to Russell, again, for a 45 yard gain. He follows this with a pass to Ben White in the end zone to put SMU ahead 20 to 13 at the half. View of cheering crowd and the Notre Dame team standing on the sidelines. The next scene shows SMU executing a running play with Jerry Norton (No. 44) carrying the ball until he is tackled near the 40 yard line. Then, Norton carries again for another 20 yards. This is followed by another pass by Benners to White, to win the game, with final score SMU 27 to Notre Dame 20.

Date: 1951, October 15
Duration: 2 min 30 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675050624
B-17, B-24, A-24, P-40 airplanes and parts are scrapped in Walnut Ridge, Arkansas after the conclusion of World War 2.

U.S. Army Air Forces aircraft are scrapped in Walnut Ridge, Arkansas after the end of World War II. Aerial view of hundreds of B-17 and B-24's lined up on a field. Closeup of painting on fuselage of one aircraft dubbed 'Miss Lace.' Engine being hoisted from a B-24 Liberator. Many P-40 and Douglas Dauntless SBD-5 (Scout Bomber Douglas), also known as A-24 aircraft lined up nose down. Aircraft parts piled up. The parts are crushed as a bulldozer moves over them.

Date: 1945, November 19
Duration: 1 min 14 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675050695