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Tijuana Mexico 1939 stock footage and images

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German invasion of Poland in 1939

Adolf Hitler addresssing the Bundestag in Berlin. Animated map shows Berlin, Warsaw, and higlights Danzig and the Polish corridor. Newspaper headline reads 'Poles will fight for Danzig.' Polish officer addressing recruits. Polish women and children watching as they march off. Polish women and old men and youths digging trench fortifications. Animated map shows Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia. Map shows Vistula River and tributaries. Map shows Polish defense options. Map illustrates Nazi plan to launch pincer movements around the Polish defenses. Views of German forces marshaling near the Polish border in August, 1939. Polish infantry moving in horse-drawn wagons, supported by old fashioned horse cavalry. Film illustrates dramatic difference in military might, contrasting German armor, aircraft,and numbers to that of Poland. Closeup of German airmen loading bomb under their aircraft. German heavy artillery and siege mortar firing. German Panzer I light tank charging through snow. Motorized German forces entering Poland on September 1st, 1939. German Heinkel HE 111 bomber taking off toward the camera. Several Junkers Ju 87 Stuka dive bombers taking off. German aircraft strafing Polish aircraft on an airbase. Aircraft exploding on the ground. A Dornier Do 17 bomber maneuvering. More views from German aircraft strafing Polish aircraft on the ground. Formation of He 111 aircraft in flight. Gunner firing from blister in bomber. Two Polish P50A fighter planes being fired upon and exploding in air. Aerial view of German Me Bf 109 as it maneuvers nearby. Me Bf 109 firing guns and flying through white smoke. A Polish P50 streaming black smoke. Another gunner in bomber firing and hitting a Polish P-50. An aircraft crashing in flames. More He 111 bombers. Glimpse of bombardier in He 111. Bombs striking Polish bridges, roads, railroads, etc. Closeup of Stuka dive bomber starting dive down on target. Polish civilians fleeing in a field. A stuka diving as children watch from hiding places. Bombs bursting near railroad. Closeup of German airman in cockpit. Polish cavalry charging. German tank tows a field artillery piece across a shallow river, A destroyed bridge in background. A Panzer I light tank emerges from the stream. German soldiers racing across the Vistula River in long powered boats. Series of maps show situation from September 5th as Germans advance and Poles retreat, ending with encirclement of Warsaw and defeat of Polish forces. Scenes of Warsaw, encircled and bombarded, but not yet fallen. Firemen respond to bombing and shelling. Buildings crumble. Germans load and fire 142mm Howitzers. Scenes of destruction from shelling. A factory chimney falls. Hitler at the front observing bombardment. Women and children seek shelter in the city. Dead horses in streets. September 27th Warsaw capitulates and German troops occupy it. Map shows Polish forces still resist in the Westerplatte fortress. German battleship, Schleswig-Holstein, firing her guns. Defenders raise white flag on October 1st, 1939. Polish prisoners marching away (one seen barefoot). Polish Nazi collaborator points out persons for arrest. Poles lined up by a pit for execution. German machine gunners firing. Glimpse of Nazi Heinrich Himmler. Bodies of executed. Polish women mourning the dead. Closeups of Polish women, children and old man. A woman throws fuel on a funeral pyre. Closeups of mourning women and girls. Hitler's Ju 52 transport plane takes off. Inside he talks with military passengers. Profile of Hitler silhouetted against the sky, looking at burning city of Warsaw. Russian army entering Poland talks with German officer. Sign boards in England say Britain declares war. French forces respond, marching from Caserne Maginot Barracks. British bombers attack German warships in the Kiel canal. German sailors rush to battle stations and fire anti-aircraft gun. Bombs away view as British planes bombs German Navy.

Date: 1939, September
Duration: 13 min 3 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675043611
Woman balances on shoulders of man aquaplaning. Five people get into 1939 Ford sedan.

A 1939 Ford commercial advertisement, in technicolor, promoting the balance and performance of the 1939 Ford Automobiles. A motor boat is seen pulling a man on an aquaplane, in a harbor. A woman balances on the shoulders of a man aquaplaning. They are successful, but both fall off the aquaplane, close to the shore. They are met by three friends and they all get into a 1939 two-door sedan and drive away. They pass a wood-paneled station wagon parked at the side of the road.

Date: 1939
Duration: 1 min 4 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675051556
Events leading to World War II in Europe and German attack on Poland in 1939

Adolf Hitler and Hermann Goering walk together up the steps of Hitler's Berghof residence in Berchtesgaden, Bavaria, Germany. Inside the two walk about and converse. Views of them in several different rooms of the building. Hitler and Goering silhouetted against the large windows in one room, containing a long table and a world globe. Change of scene showing Nazi foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, being greeted by Soviet Union Minister of Foreign affairs, Vyacheslav Molotov, in Moscow, Russia, where they negotiated a Nazi–Soviet non-aggression pact (also called the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact) in August 1939. Von Ribbentrop is seen seated with Soviet negotiators. Various newspapers reflect mixed world wide views. Some question whether war or peace is ahead. Another notes that the Reichstag supports the diplomatic initiative. Another suggests that England and France must decide. One headline says Chamberlain will want war. Next, Polish forces are seen on parade being reviewed by General Władysław Bortnowski. Among forces parading are mounted cavalry, marching infantry, a formation of PZL P.11 fighter planes, Tk-3 tankettes (Tankietka), 120 mm wz. field guns, CP7 Ursus artillery tractors pulling wagons, antiaircraft guns mounted on trucks, and army trucks carrying soldiers. Scene shifts to German airmen loading bombs on aircraft; arming machine guns; refueling; and testing functionality of aircraft elements, such as turrets. Pilot in cockpit as engines start on a Dornier Do 17 bomber. Ground crew pull chocks and aircraft taxis out. A Heinkel He 111 bomber taxiing. Two of them take off. A Do 17 takes off, followed by more He 111s. Closeup of one flying low over the camera on takeoff. A mixed formation of German aircraft aloft, including several fighters flying top cover; nine Dornier Do 17s; and other bombers. Aerial closeup of a Do 17 seen from adjacent wingman. Closeup of several He 111s in formation. Closeup of gunner in turret. View from above of three camouflaged Do 17s flying far below. Closeup of pilot in cockpit of He 111 with wingman off to left side. More views of Do 17s flying over patchwork of farmlands. Gunner preparing in his turret. Clouds from antiaircraft fire seen from plane cockpit. Bombs falling and exploding on city below. Succession of bomb craters in a line across a flat area of land. View from aircraft of damaged Polish aircraft on an airfield. Scenes of devastation on the ground including destroyed buildings and Polish aircraft. Waves of German Junkers Ju 87 (Stuka) dive bombers taking off; in formation; and peeling off to dive on targets. View from cockpit of one, through rotating propeller, as it dives to bomb a railroad marshaling yard, and view back as it pulls out, showing clouds of smoke rising in its wake. Several German officers peruse damage at rail site. Destroyed Bridge and shipyard. The German battleship, Schleswig-Holstein bombarding the Polish base at Danzig's Westerplatte on September 1st, 1939. German artillery firing in Poland. Formation of Do 17 bombers overhead. Damaged and abandoned wooden wagons at side of road traveled by Polish civilians evacuating in a horse-drawn wagon and herding their cattle to safety. Destroyed Polish artillery and equipment and horses. Men dig graves and bury dead Polish soldiers. Vies from air of bombed out part of Warsaw. Polish citizens gathered in places seeking assistance. German forces on parade in Warsaw, including German soldiers goosestepping. Closeups of Adolf Hitler reviewing them.

Date: 1939, September 1
Duration: 8 min 42 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675044317
Advertisement promoting the 1939 Ford automobile

A technicolor commercial advertisement for the new Ford car in the United States. Scenes near ocean. Seagulls in flight. 1939 Ford automobile driving along the road. Narrator extols the car's soft springs and smoothness of the ride. A man and two women stand at water's edge and point at the seagulls in flight. They enter a 1939 Ford coupe. The man drives and the two women sit with him in the front seat.

Date: 1939
Duration: 1 min 1 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675051551
People drive a 1939 Ford automobile in a forest in the United States.

A Ford motor company advertisement in technicolor for the new, quiet engineered 1939 Ford automobile. A panoramic view of a forest. Deer in the forest. A man takes photographs of companions, a man and two women in the forest. Their 1939 Ford car parked in the background. They all get in the car and drive away on a road in the forest.

Date: 1939
Duration: 1 min 1 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675051552
Commercial advertisement promoting power and capability of 1939 Ford V8 car in mountainous terrain

Technicolor Ford company advertisement in 1939. A man arrives at a train station for Mt. Henry, Montana, a mountainous location in Glacier National Park. He is met by his friend. They load his luggage in the trunk of the friend's new 1939 Ford automobile, which is parked next to a wood-paneled station wagon. The friends drive up unpaved mountain roads to the Mt. Henry Lodge. The two men look over the mountain scenery, as an employee of the Lodge removes luggage from the car trunk, and they discuss the good power of the car.

Date: 1939
Duration: 59 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675051554