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Tokyo Japan 1975 stock footage and images

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Japan Emperor Hirohito visits the tomb of his father, Emperor Taisho, in Tokyo, Japan, after World War II.

Japanese Emperor Hirohito visits his father's tomb in Tokyo, Japan, after World War II. Mountain ranges. Emperor Hirohito arrives at the tomb of his father, Emperor Taisho, located in Hachiozi-City, west suburbs of Tokyo. Emperor Hirohito steps from his car. Officers greet and receive him. They proceed down the steps and visit the tomb. Trees in the background. (Note: Upon his death in 1989, Emperor Hirohito was also buried at the same sacred precincts near Emperor Taisho's tomb.)

Date: 1945, November 29
Duration: 57 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675056156
Japanese people bow in front of the gates of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Japan.

Japanese people in front of the gates of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Japan to bid the Shōwa Emperor a Happy New Year. The front of the Palace Gate shows Japanese people bowing. Dai-Ichi Building (Dn Tower 21, 1 Chome-13-1 Yurakucho, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 100-0006, Japan) in the background. A Japanese family bows in union. Before they bow, coats and hats are removed and laid under the arm. A family of two children and their parents line up and bow. The children are dressed in kimonos. Several girls line up and bow. Three girls walk along a road. A family comprising of a mother, two small children and a boy in a student's clothes take off their coats and bow together. Two women pray and bow. Grounds of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Japan.

Date: 1946, January 3
Duration: 2 min 56 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675060767
Fire fighters in Japan respond to fire in Tokyo, Japan.

Japanese fire fighters reenact fire fighting measures performed during World War 2. Firemen outside a factory in Tokyo, Japan, post World War 2. They run from building onto the street and man their fire fighting equipment and wheel. They approach a building where smoke is rising due to fire.

Date: 1945, October 27
Duration: 36 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675027707
Air raid shelter in Japan, and workers at a factory in Tokyo, Japan.

Workers at a factory in Tokyo, Japan. World War 2 air raid shelters on the grounds of the factory. Japanese workers open the door of the air raid shelter and enter the factory. Interior of the factory shows the working men. Workers at the bench lathe. They monitor the equipment.

Date: 1945, October 27
Duration: 56 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675027708
U.S. Army Air Forces B-29 Superfortress bombers in flight over Tokyo, Japan during World War II.

U.S. bombers over Tokyo, Japan during World War II. Star-shells burst. U.S. Army Air Forces B-29 Superfortress bombers in flight over Tokyo, Japan. Aerial views of Tokyo and shoreline. Bombs fall and burst on Tokyo.

Date: 1944, June
Duration: 19 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675074725
Emperor Hirohito and Empress Nagako visit the Ueno Zoo in Tokyo, Japan

Emperor Hirohito of Japan and wife Empress Nagako visit the Ueno Zoo (9-83 Uenokoen, Taito City, Tokyo 110-8711, Japan) in Tokyo, Japan. The Japanese emperor’s 1949 Cadillac car and motorcycle escort enter the zoo gate. Ueno Zoo officials greet the Emperor and Empress of Japan with a bow and escort them into the zoo proper. The Emperor and Empress see leopards that leap angrily at the cage bars; a lion being fed, elephants (performing tricks), and seals. An elephant stands up. Empress Nagako feeds fish to the sea lions. The royal couple wave to a group of spectators who are kept at some distance. They attend a performance by several trained seals. A trained chimpanzee, dressed in a costume, riding a bicycle.

Date: 1950
Duration: 2 min 13 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675056053