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United States USA 1970 stock footage and images

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Jessie Bernard and Edna Rostow discuss about sharing of roles and image of working women in old society in the United States

Film about the problems and challenges faced by the changing roles of women in the United States in the 1970s. A American Sociologist Jessie Bernard along with Edna G Rostow a Mental Hygiene consultant at Yale University discuss about the importance of sharing of role between men and women. They state that one has to be aware, and not afraid of the responsibilities in a time when women are holding jobs outside the home and also having home roles. They discuss about the old society and traditional roles of men working outside the home and women as home makers or housewives, along with its pros and corns. The image of working women not opting to marry in olden days. Their views contradict on women not opting to marry for career. Views of women in various activities: Women walk across street. A woman laughs. Women practice dance in a group. A woman works as a dentist or dental hygienist. Two women bird trainers. A woman plays a cello in an orchestra, and another woman sings while holding a microphone. Women U.S. Navy personnel take oath. A woman teaches, while showing words on a blackboard. A woman works in a film edit room, winding and loading motion picture film onto a film reel.

Date: 1975
Duration: 5 min 16 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675067553
United States 101st Airborne Division soldiers in Se San Valley, Cambodia

United States troops of the 506th Infantry, 101st Airborne Division in Cambodia, during the Vietnam War. Several soldiers are seen in wooded area. One talks over a PR-25 radio from a tree line at the edge of large open field. Another soldier slings an M-60 machine gun over his shoulder. Then, carrying their gear, the soldiers walk across the open field toward an area where a camp is being set up. In the distance, a UH-1 Huey helicopter sits with engine running and rotor blades turnng. The soldiers enter the tree line where others are assembling with their gear and supplies, next to the open field. The soldier carrying the M-60 machine gun, waves to the camera. Closeup of some soldiers who have pitched a couple of tents and are opening boxes of supplies. A change of scene shows several troops escorting a captured North Vietnamese army (NVA) soldier, whose hands are tied behind him, to a UH-1 helicopter with engine running. The Huey is next seen taking off with the prisoner aboard. Closeup of black NVA cap, left behind,in the mud. (Note: Within a few days, all these troops distinguished themselves in combat with North Vietnamese Army troops. One, in particular, Leslie H. Sabo, Jr. Specialist Fourth Class, of Company B, 3d Battalion, heroically sacrificed his life, in combat on May 10, 1970, and was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.)

Date: 1970, May 7
Duration: 2 min 34 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675038729
Models display Apparel designs in United States; behind the scenes look at apparel design and fashion industry.

Fashion and apparel design industry in the United States in the early 1970s. A girl goes to a showroom of clothes, selects a dress, then changes in a trial room and displays the dress. An old woman is painting, a girl on a desk in an office, makes an apparel design, and then shows it to other two girls. The design is then printed on clothes, interior of a textile industry, machinery at work. Design is then printed on the cloth. Views of a fashion show, models display various outfits on ramp.

Date: 1972
Duration: 3 min 4 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675032795
People follow instructions broadcast by radio and TV during hurricane preparations in the United States.

Instructions being broadcasted on radio and TV during hurricane warning in the United States. Hurricane force winds arise. Couple stands at a beach. Wind with high speed blows and trees bending. High surf overtaking palm trees on shore and dock areas. Local recordings inform and instruct people via radio and television. Close up view of men speaking into microphones and radios to issue warnings and track storm progress. People seen reaching for battery powered portable radios, and buying alternate fuel sources like Sterno in a store. A person reaching for a flashlight and batteries in a drawer. Men and women in queue at gas stations and filling up 1970s era cars at gasoline or petrol pumps. A girl fills empty gallon jugs with water at a kitchen faucet. A bathroom tub being filled with water in case water becomes unavailable. Men carry plywood to cover windows and doors. Signs and debris blowing in high winds. Piece of metal roofing flying down the street in high wind. Men and women tie up boats to secure them at a dock. People gather in a Red Cross shelter area, and some stand in a line receiving food at the shelter. People boarding up windows. Aerial view of eye of a storm in a hurricane as seen from an aircraft. Dramatic scenes of hurricane force winds blowing through doors and windows, with debris flying toward camera position. View of storm surge and violent high waves crashing near land during hurricane. Neighors and officials knocking on doors to tell citizens to evacuate before a storm. Point of view shot from car in heavy storm, driving away, as an ambulance with siren running passes going the opposite direction. View of downed telephone poles and lines near ground from winds, as car avoids them and keeps driving. A 1950s Chevrolet car navigates through deep water as people try to escape rising flood.

Date: 1979
Duration: 3 min 48 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675045143
High school students express their views about the navy and a boy interested in navy is interviewed in the United States.

A U.S. Navy film about high school students' interest in joining the United States Navy. The film is titled "The Navy?" An interviewer asks high school students what they think about the navy. The students are wearing typical mid 1970s fashions. Some of them have long hair and a "hippie" look. Some of the teenage kids say it is important to have a Navy and some say it is a waste of money and is destructive. A long hair teenager says that we don't need ships anymore. Several teenage girls express support for Navy careers. An African American boy standing in front of a school bus talks positively about a Navy career and how he doesn't want to be hanging around on the corner anymore. About the importance of the Navy and desire to join it students give varying answers. Interviewer discusses the Navy with a group of students. A boy interested in joining the Navy is seen playing basketball and watching television. His mother says that joining navy would be the best thing for him. He discusses about his life and why he wants to join the navy. The boy, who has long hippie style hair, is seen working on a car with a friend. He is seen jumping across the tops of railroad cars of a parked train. He throws a stone from a bridge, and is seen walking along deserted railroad tracks.

Date: 1975
Duration: 4 min 8 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675046349
Interstate Highways constructed in United States.

A vehicle tows a caterpillar tractor at the construction site of an Interstate Highway. Highway constructed as vehicles dig up and level the surface. A container lowers down and pours out concrete to lay down a road. Man guides concrete bucket as it empties into forms containing steel reinforcing bars. Aerial view of an intersection of highways and cloverleaf flyovers as vehicles move over it. Point of view (POV) shot from a moving car on an open highway in the western United States. Two 1970s cars pass by on the Interstate Highway. Children play with toy trucks and tractors, emulating such construction activity, on the coast of the Pacific Ocean at Redondo Beach, California.

Date: 1975
Duration: 2 min 27 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675048729