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Uzbekistan Soviet Union 1949 stock footage and images

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Howard Hughes flies a Northrup Gamma airplane from Chicago to Los Angeles in less than half a day

A newsreel titled 'Lunches in Chi. Hops to L.A. For his dinner.' Howard Hughes, famed industrialist and aviator, is seen dressed in a suit and tie, seated in a Chicago restaurant having lunch. He finishes and leaves. The next scene shows nose of a Northrop Gamma 2G airplane with engine running. A brief glimpse of Hughes,still in suit and tie, wearing leather flying helmet with goggles pushed up on his forehead. With Hughes piloting, the airplane taxis and takes off from Chicago. It is seen in a gentle left bank as it departs. Later, Hughes is seen landing at Union Air Terminal in Burbank, California. Hughes is seen in opened cockpit as he taxis in to the parking ramp. He taxis past a Stinson hangar, parks, and climbs down from the aircraft. He is accompanied by a number of men as he walks across the parking ramp. (Note: Howard Hughes is flying a modified Gamma 2G airplane, number NC13761,that he leased from famous woman aviator, Jacqueline Cochran, who ordered it powered by a liquid-cooled 700-hp Curtiss Conqueror engine,driving a two-blade propeller. Hughes modified it with a 1000-hp Wright SR-1820-G2 radial engine, driving a three-blade constant speed propeller, and used it to set a new transcontinental nonstop record, flying from Burbank, California to Newark, New Jersey in 9 hours 26 minutes 10 seconds with an average speed of 259 mph, on 13-14 January 1936. The flight shown here set a speed record of 8 hours and 10 minutes from Chicago, Illinois to Los Angeles, California.)

Date: 1936, May 14
Duration: 54 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675038321
Senator Robert Taft speaks about provisions of the Labor-Management Relations Act

Ohio Senator Robert Taft speaks about the Labor-Management Relations Act, also known as the Taft-Hartley Act. He talks about justice and equality in labor management relations. Further he speaks about provisions of the act regarding employer's relation with Labor Union Leaders and protection of workers to take part in strikes.

Date: 1947
Duration: 4 min 55 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: English
Clip: 65675038950
Strike of workers in a wage dispute spreads to Philadelphia's transportation system affecting half a million people.

Strike of workers in a wage dispute spreads to Philadelphia's transportation system. People walking to work in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. Transport union protesting for pay hike. Streetcars, subways and buses lie idle. 'Station Closed' sign at Philadelphia subway entrance. Huge crowd of people walking to get to work, waiting at railway station and on streets for transportation. View of empty 46th street metro rail station in Philadelphia. View of taxis on streets and a press company without workers. Buildings and shops along streets of downtown Philadelphia. A line of African American men and women hitchhiking in downtown Philadelphia to get a ride. Group of 5 people runs to catch an available Philadelphia taxicab. Scene changes to New York City where striking newspaper workers form a picket line. Empty newspaper offices are shown. Longshoreman dock workers on strike so office workers are seen hoisting a giant rope and assisting the Cunard Line Ocean liner Queen Mary (RMS Queen Mary) in docking operations at New York harbor slip covered in thin ice. Cunard Queen Mary passengers carrying their own luggage at the dock area due to the labor strike.

Date: 1963, January 17
Duration: 2 min 28 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675039149
Students leaving Palmer High School in Colorado Springs; also primary school students crossing street on way from school.

School children, people and traffic going about normal daily business in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Scene in front of General William J Palmer High School, at the intersection of Nevada Avenue and East Platte Avenue. Students crossing a street after school. A boy and girl teenage high school students walking together holding books. Each is dressed in typical clothing including boy wearing a cardigan letter sweater, and girl wearing skirt and an open sweater hanging from her shoulders. Both students are holding books as they walk and talk. Next scene is tree tops and two flag poles, with American flag on one pole and a different flag on the other pole that includes a union jack in the corner. Final scene shows elementary school age children at a street crossing. A fellow student, wearing a yellow hard hat, serves as school safety patrol crossing guard, and motions to hold the students on the sidewalk, and then helps the students cross the street after checking for traffic.

Date: 1962
Duration: 1 min 54 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675039570
World War 1 Armistice celebration parade in Washington DC. President Wilson watches from White House West Wing

United States President Woodrow Wilson, and several officials arrives to watch an Armistice Parade, from area near guard shack at gateway to West Wing of the White House. A mounted army officer rides past, saluting, followed by several others saluting. A marching military brass band, followed by an Army drum and bugle Corps, playing instruments on horseback. They lead a contingent of mounted soldiers and two trucks pulling artillery. Other parade elements seen include: an army band; a navy band; a color guard; a contingent of sailors saluting with presented arms; Women Yeoman (F) in the U.S. Navy Reserve; and a team of horses pulling a float full of young women in white displaying flags of the World War 1 Allies. Marching beside the float are representatives from Allied nations. Groups of Women from the Knights of Columbus, march next in the parade. At this point, President Wilson, is seen conversing with Attorney General Thomas Watt Gregory. Scene shifts back to more Knights of Columbus women parading. shifting from the parade, views are from a vehicle moving along the parade route, showing spectators lining the route, and then from steps of a building, looking over the heads of spectators as mounted cavalry pass, followed by another brass band. A child sees the camera behind him and looks toward it. A team of 6 white horses pulls a float containing a woman in patriotic garb and a sign reading, "In God We Trust." Scene shifts again, to the White House West Wing steps, where President and Mrs. Wilson stand with Attorney General Gregory, watching women from the Knights of Columbus march past, followed by their float. Next in the parade is a float carrying soldiers in uniform and displaying the Cross of David on the front, and "Sons of Freedom," written on its side. A team of horses driven by an African American driver in an unusual hat, pulls a float carrying two women and displaying the British Union Jack. Another band and more marching infantry are seen. (World War I; World War 1; WWI; WW1)

Date: 1918
Duration: 4 min 55 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675039604
Madison Square Garden boxing, Times Square at night, WMCA radio control room

Exterior view of Madison Square Garden marquee at night. Boxing match at Madison Square Garden. Busy street level views of Times Square at night with lighted neon signs. One Times Square building electronic news ticker Motograph News Bulletin aka "the zipper" displays presidential electoral results. WMCA radio news announcer at microphone with control room in background. Closeup of announcer at microphone. Close up of clock with label reading "Naval Observatory Time Western Union" WMCA radio control room engineer on phone and at controls. Close up of transmitter controls as the engineer powers down the transmitter. Night view of WMCA building with neon sign.

Date: 1951
Duration: 1 min 32 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675039754