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Vietnam 1946 stock footage and images

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U.S. Army General William Bradford Rosson looks at captured enemy weapons and soldiers stack the weapons in Cambodia.

United States 9th Infantry Division troops in Cambodia during the Cambodian Campaign of the Vietnam War. U.S. Army General William Bradford Rosson looks at displayed enemy weapons and ammunition on the ground. Soldiers seated in the background. The General speaks to the soldiers. 9th Infantry Division troops stack ammunition for demolition. Cartridges in a box.

Date: 1970, May 13
Duration: 2 min 47 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675064762
U.S. Marine Corps performing a drill and a USMC band playing on grounds of Iwo Jima Memorial

U.S. Marine Corps in the United States, performing drill maneuvers on the grounds of the US Marine Corps War Memorial (also called the Iwo Jima Memorial), in Arlington, Virginia, near Washington DC. The United States Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon performing complex drills. Spokesperson indicates that all members of the Platoon are veterans of the Vietnam War. The Marines standing in formation and performing soloists routine. People seated on the grassy ground in a roped off area. A man recording the event with a movie camera. The Marines standing at attention. An officer standing in front of the Marines performs drill movements with several spins of rifles. The crowd watching offers applause. Audience includes men, women, and children in 1970s clothing fashions. Senior navy officers watch the drill. The officer standing in front of the Marines gives a command and the U.S. Marine Corps band starts playing and marching. A large crowd watching the Marines' performance. The USMC band marching and the Marines holding rifles marching in formation. The Marine Corps War Memorial in view at dawn or dusk.

Date: 1972
Duration: 2 min 36 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675066430
Aircraft take off from the USS Midway (CVA-41) underway and crew watch Napalm bomb explode in South China Sea.

United States Navy 7th Fleet operations in South China Sea during the Vietnam War. A United States Navy aircraft A-3B Skyhawk rolls to a stop. The wire is released and wings are folded. Aircraft taxis off to the left. A-4E catapulted from starboard. Others wait in the foreground. United States Navy aircraft A-4E Skyhawk taxis up to deck. United States Navy aircraft A-3B Skywarrior parked in the background. A United States Navy aircraft F-8D Crusader being catted from catapult. A-4E Skyhawk on a catapult. A-4E Skyhawk catted from catapult. Blast fence being lowered in the foreground. F-8D Crusader catted. A-4E Skyhawk on fly by past the ship during air demonstration. Napalm bomb hits the water in far background making a fireball. Several crew members on flight deck watch. Smoke rises from water as Napalm bombs explode.

Date: 1965, May 8
Duration: 1 min 8 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675067881
Aircraft make arrest landing and crew refuels A-4C aircraft aboard USS Coral Sea (CVA-43) underway in South China Sea.

United States Navy 7th Fleet operations in South China Sea during the Vietnam War. United States Navy aircraft A-4E Skyhawk makes an arrest landing on flight deck of USS Coral Sea. Aircraft taxis on deck of the ship. A United States Navy aircraft A-1B makes an arrest landing and rolls to a stop. Men work around a United States Navy aircraft A-4C Skyhawk on flight deck during refueling. Other aircraft parked in the background. A United States Navy aircraft A-3B Skyhawk makes an arrested landing on angle deck.

Date: 1965, May 13
Duration: 1 min 41 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675067883
Men sort mails and put them in various pigeon holes along with mails stacked aboard USS Coral Sea in South China Sea.

United States Navy 7th Fleet operations in South China Sea during the Vietnam War. Interiors of a mail room. Bags of postal mail on the deck. Man assort mail in the background. Mails are stacked in the foreground. Chief takes bundles of mail and toss them off. Men sort mails and puts them in various pigeon holes. Mails being tossed into mail bags. Men sort mails into various pigeon holes in mail room. Mail bags in a mail room. R. E. Madusky and J. R. McCarthy sort mails. Grill window of the mail room. Men work in a mail room.

Date: 1965, May 14
Duration: 1 min 42 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675067884
Men work on control panel in engine room as RF-8A Crusader taxi over deck of USS Coral Sea underway in the South China Sea.

United States Navy 7th Fleet operations in South China Sea during the Vietnam War. Man watches main control panel in the engine room. Steam valve turned on control panel. A man watches the speed (RPM) gauge in main control. A United States Navy aircraft RF-8A Crusader taxi over deck with wings folded.

Date: 1965, May 8
Duration: 1 min 44 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675067887