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Vietnam Can Tho Army Airfield 1972 stock footage and images

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Samuel George Davis and USO Troupe members perform at Can Tho Army Airfield, Vietnam.

Samuel George Davis Jr plays drum on stage during his show at Can Tho Army Airfield, Vietnam. Blinky Willams sings on stage. Lynn Kellogg and Ted Barret entertain soldiers playing guitars. Sammy Davis Jr. gives solo performance. (Vietnam War period).

Date: 1972, February 25
Duration: 4 min 55 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675022331
Sammy Davis Jr. with USO troupe entertains U.S. Army troops at Can Tho Army Airfield during the Vietnam War

Sammy Davis Jr. entertaining troops in visit to Vietnam with a USO troupe. View of soldiers assembled inside a hangar at Can Tho Army Airfield, watching as Sammy Davis Jr. speaks from a stage set up in the hangar. Members of the audience smile and chuckle at his remarks. The audience applauding. Closeups of some in the audience, laughing and applauding. Davis interacting with the audience. Closeup of several Military Policemen standing backstage. View from side of tremendously large audience. View of Davis performing as solo stand up comedian. Soldiers watching from outside the hangar applauding. Another view of Davis onstage, and of the huge audience.

Date: 1972, February 26
Duration: 2 min 46 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675022320
Sammy Davis Jr. and USO troupe entertains troops at Can Tho Army Airfield during Vietnam war

Sammy Davis Jr. on tour with a USO Troupe, entertaining American troops at Can Tho Army Airfield in Vietnam. A U.S. Army military policeman peeks through a curtain aside a stage, where Sammy Davis Jr. is performing as part of a USO tour entertaing troops during the Vietnam War. Davis stands onstage, backed by women dancers who move rhthmically as he speaks or sings into the microphone. Camera shifts to spot at back of large audience seated in a hangar at the base. Musicians and other members of USO troupe are seen onstage in distance. View of soldiers seated outside the hangar applauding the performances. View from behind audience. Sammy Davis Jr. seen onstage in distance. Soldiers watching from atop a raised platform, outside the hangar. Several views of audience clapping rhythmically to beat of music sung by performers. Some soldiers taking moving pictures of the event, from outside the hangar. Huge overflow crowd of soldiers watching from outside the hangar. Glimpse of Sammy Davis Jr. singing, accompanied by musicians. More audience shots.

Date: 1972, February 26
Duration: 2 min 49 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675022321
United States soldiers being entertained by members of a USO troupe, at Can Tho Airfield, Vietnam

Soldiers assembled inside a hangar at Can Tho Army Airfield, in Vietnam, applaud individual performers who are part of a USO troupe. A man and woman sing a duet. Scene shifts to soldiers overflowing the hangar, and watching from outside. Some sit and stand on improvised platforms and military equipment. Two women from the troupe pose near a fence, holding a white cloth over their heads to protect from the sun. Soldiers watching the performances while standing on a piece of construction equipment. View from behind soldiers standing inside the hangar. Large number of soldiers in audience seated inside the hangar. (Vietnam War period).

Date: 1972, February 26
Duration: 2 min 46 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675022319
USO show with Sammy Davis Jr. at Can Tho Army Airfield, Vietnam.

Film opens as Davis takes bows and audience applauds, in a hangar at the airfield. Closeups of some soldiers applauding. View of soldiers feet as they move in time to musice while the soldiers sit on improvised bleacher seats. Soft drink cans and snack packages on the floor. Soldiers watching the performance from atop a rugged shelter covered with earth and sandbags. Other soldiers watching from atop improvised seats, including mobile platforms and truck tires. Musicians playing jazz onstage as audience listens intently. Soldiers applaud enthusiastically at end of performance. Glimpse of Sammy Davis Jr. onstage with a woman dancer. (Vietnam War period).

Date: 1972, February 26
Duration: 2 min 49 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675022324
Sammy Davis Jr. on tour with a USO Troupe, entertaining American troops at Can Tho Army Airfield, Vietnam.

Large audience of American Army soldiers is seated in hangar and spills outside, as well, to watch Sammy Davis Jr. who is performing as part of a USO tour entertaing troops during the Vietnam War. Glimpse of Davis onstage. A banner reading "156th Aviation Company" is displayed at back of stage. Views of troops in audience. Several take pictures. A woman singer onstage dressed in bright orange outfit. She finishes her song and leaves the stage as another woman enters, dressed in a long brightly colored dress. Several musicians play at rear of stage. The woman takes a microphone as troops watch and signal their approvals. View from rear of troops watching from outside. Various views of audience applauding interspersed with views of the woman singing onstage. A young Vietnamese girl in the audience. A Vietnamese officer sits with American officers in the audience, as the Americans clap rhythmically in cadence with the music being played and sung by the woman performer onstage.

Date: 1972, February 26
Duration: 2 min 48 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675022323
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