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Washington DC USA 1994 stock footage and images

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United States Air Force propaganda film about the Roswell Incident and Project Mogul weather balloon experiments.

The Roswell incident according to the United States Air Force. Roswell Daily Record newspaper shows article about flying saucers. Popular books on the Roswell incident such as “Roswell Ufo Crash Update: Exposing the Military Cover-Up of the Century” and “A History of UFO Crashes” by Kevin D. Randle and “The Roswell Incident” by Charles Berlitz. Magazines People and Omni featuring UFO stories. The International UFO Museum (114 N Main St, Roswell, NM 88203, United States) in Roswell, New Mexico. An “EYES ONLY” document prepared for President-Elect Dwight D. Eisenhower. Forensic experts examine a strange body believed to be alien remains. Foreign books on the Roswell incident written in French and Japanese. A New Mexico magazine shows a UFO flying saucer and the words “UFO The Roswell Incident” on its cover. The sliding door of the United States Air Force archives closing. New Mexico Congressman Steven Schiff on a newspaper article about UFO. View of the United States Capitol in Washington DC. The Washington Post January 14, 1994 article with title “GAO Turns to Alien Turf in Probe”. An accompanying photo depicts a flying saucer and alien remains. View of the Pentagon. A man and a woman uncover records and files from a United States Air Force archives. Archive shelving inside the United States Air Force. Archivists pushing a trolley. Map shows the location of Roswell in New Mexico. Pages of a report being flipped. Page of a report reads “WHAT THE ROSWELL INCIDENT WAS NOT”. Another page reads “An Extraterrestrial Craft”. Page of a report reads “to project “Mogul” be classified “TOP SECRET”. An atomic bomb explosion with red skies in the United States. The Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 14, 1941, during World War 2. Debris and fire from surprise attack. An acoustic sensor used in Project Mogul. A radar reflecting target being carried by a white weather balloon during Project Mogul. Weather balloons on the beach. A scientist holds a radar target tied to a weather balloon. Scientist lets go of the weather balloon with radar target. A man standing on top of a United States Army bus with satellite dish observe the weather balloon flying upwards. Photographs of “flying disk” fragments from Roswell in 1947. A man holds a fragment claimed to be from a “UFO”. “Flying Disk” debris that are debris made of aluminum foil, rubber, paper, and sticks. Army Air Force officials identifying debris from radar targets and weather balloons found in Roswell. Brigadier General Roger M. Ramey, Commanding Officer of the Eighth Air Force, inspects the remains of a weather balloon and Rawin radar target on July 8, 1947. Colonel Thomas J. DuBose, the Chief of Staff of the Eighth Air Force, sits on the right. Roswell Daily Record front page reads “Gen. Ramey Empties Roswell Saucer”. Brigadier General Roger M. Ramey with weather balloon debris.

Date: 1997, March 31
Duration: 4 min 2 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675079917
A two minute report by Armed Forces Digest in Washington on 'Health Care'

A two minute report by Armed Forces Digest in Washington on 'Health Care'. The report is about the health care of Military families Oversees. Doctor Edward Martin from Defense Health Affairs is interviewed. A photograph and a plant is seen in the background. He talks about more Host Nation Care.

Date: 1994, March 8
Duration: 2 min 10 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675040966
A two minute report by Armed Forces Digest in Washington on 'Better Life' and 'SGLI'

A two minute report by Armed Forces Digest in Washington on 'Better Life' and 'SGLI'. The report talks about better life of Single Service Men on ships and barracks. The recommendations for better life are increased furniture and appliances, privacy and no extra duties for them. Carolyn Becraft, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Personnel Support, Families and Education is being interviewed. A report on Service members Group Life Insurance (SGLI) plans.

Date: 1994, March 9
Duration: 3 min 15 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675040967
The Washington Monument and the U.S. Capitol in Washington DC, United States.

Monuments in Washington DC, United States. Several ducks swimming in the Lincoln Memorial reflecting pool (2 Lincoln Memorial Cir NW, Washington, DC 20024, United States) with the Washington Monument behind, and Capitol visible in distance. A street lighted in the night. View of the Potomac River, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, and the U.S. Capitol, in single view, early morning. A street in downtown Washington DC. Cars moving on a road and buildings on either side of the road. The U.S. Capitol building (First St SE, Washington, DC 20004, United States) seen in the background. The Washington Monument (2 15th St NW, Washington, DC 20024, United States) in view. Equestrian statue at George Washington, at Washington Circle in Washington, D.C. The U.S. Capitol viewed at dawn, along an empty Pennsylvania Avenue. The Washington Monument, seen from space between buildings. Equestrian statue of Civil War hero, Major General John A. Logan (Washington, DC 20005, United States), at Logan Circle, Rhode Island Avenue and 13th St. NW. The U.S. Capitol dome. View from Memorial Bridge, of Lincoln Memorial and Washington monument (in distance).

Date: 1972
Duration: 1 min 55 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675066408
Various scenes of kidnapping, FBI investigators in tie shop, FBI car chase criminals, and the Washington National Cathedral

Robbers force a teller into a sedan before driving away from The New Hampshire Bank building at 22-26 Market Square, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Man reads a newspaper (The Portsmouth Herald) headline reads "Teller Kidnaped in Bank Holdup." FBI agents question locals at gas station near Portsmouth, New Hampshire. View of a farm house. Police man helping in ground search gives FBI agents a prize ticket found. Close up of prize ticket. FBI Agent picks up a piece of cardboard from the ground containing tire print. FBI agents extracts a piece of cloth from barbed wire. FBI forensic investigator examines the imprints of tire marking from cardboard. View of textile mill. FBI forensic investigators analyzing cloth from Massachusetts and North Carolina textile mills. FBI forensic investigator examines piece of fabric sent as evidence. A fiber is cut from piece of fabric and added to vial of chemicals. Line of test tubes containing liquid. Signage of Kimball’s, a tie store in Boston (31 Market St, Boston, MA 02135, USA). Signage of various menswear stores in Boston selling neckties. FBI agents speak with shop clerk of tie store in Boston. Shop clerk shows a necktie to FBI agents. FBI agents show shop clerk mugshots to identify a suspect. FBI agents inside car watching building. FBI agents observe a street. FBI agent answers a telephone inside a car. Black car trails behind a convertible on highway and over a bridge. An FBI agent confronts a suspect paying at a toll booth. Black car chases convertible as FBI agent clings to passenger door as the driver attempts to dislodge FBI agent from his car. POV through windshield exiting towards Portsmouth. Convertible car swerves past a truck. Car crash as convertible hits a truck of hay. FBI agent gets up and arrests the driver. Crashed truck in flames. View of the U.S. Department of Justice (950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20530, United States). J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, speaks from his desk. View of an American school. American flag waving. People sitting on stone stairs outside the Washington National Cathedral in Washington DC. View of the Washington National Cathedral bell tower in Washington DC (3101 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016, United States). View of a church’s bell towers. View of the United States Capitol in Washington DC. Statue from the United States Capitol stairs. “Eternal Vigilance the price of liberty” inscription below statue. “The End”.

Date: 1951
Duration: 5 min 31 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675078870
Mass arrest of hippie anti-war demonstrators during the 1971 May Day Protests in Washington DC

Hippie protesters walking through the streets of Washington, D.C. as they join the May Day Protests on early Monday morning, May 3rd, 1971 to protest the Vietnam War. A hand circles areas on a map showing the protesters’ target areas in Washington DC. View of the May Day protest manual shows Washington DC’s traffic circles and bridges for reference to protestors. Still image of United States President Richard Nixon as he says, "we’re going to see to it that the thousands of government workers, who have a right to go to work peacefully are not interfered with by those militants, those few militants, who in the name of demonstrating for peace abroad presume that they have the right to break the peace at home." View of the May 4, 1971 front page of The Washington Daily News with headline, “The Cry Today; “We Will Stay””. Traffic in Washington DC before sunrise. Seal of the Washington DC Metropolitan Police on police car door. Police officer speaks to a federal soldier, saying, "I'll start working on my men, and I'll be back very shortly." Federal troops at night in formation. Hippie demonstrators with a flag walk past a drug store at night, probably in Dupont Circle. Predawn traffic on Key Bridge at night with Marriott Key Bridge sign in background. Predawn traffic in Washington, D.C. with three motorcycle cops on standby. Soldiers on bridge, possibly the Whitehurst Freeway. Rush hour traffic on Memorial Bridge heading towards Lincoln Memorial with federal troops standing guard on bridge. Rush hour traffic over Key Bridge with Rosslyn, VA in background. Camera pans from the "Time to Save" sign on the Dupont National Bank building at 1369 Connecticut Ave. NW, to the Dupont Circle fountain. D.C. metropolitan police talk to federal troops in front of the Dupont Circle fountain. A mosaic of moving images showing demonstrations in Dupont Circle, Washington Circle, and Georgetown. Police push protestors against squad car to search and arrest them. A police officer confiscates items, such as keys, tickets, and screwdriver, from an arrested demonstrator. Arrested demonstrators raise their fists inside the police bus. Police order demonstrators to leave the area. Black police woman searches a woman hippie protester. Hippies arrested as they lean against bus with hands up. Protestor van towed away. A black policewoman conducts a search on a young woman. Demonstrators board a police bus after their arrest. Demonstrators board the back of a Hertz truck used by the police. Demonstrators detained in an emergency detention center near RFK Stadium. A radical flag flying at the detention center. A page pertaining to “Arrest and Jail” in the “May Day Tactical Manual” for participants on the 1971 May Day Protests. Police officer take photographs of arrested demonstrators standing on street with hands zip tied behind their backs. Arrested hippies smile as their pictures are taken. United States Park Police officer looks at watch while writing arrest reports. Demonstrators wave from bus as it drives away after mass arrest.

Date: 1971, May 3
Duration: 5 min 45 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675078915
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