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Weissenburg Germany 1937 stock footage and images

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Hitler lays a wreath on the caskets of German sailors killed in the Spanish Civil War.

Date: 18th June, 1937. German sailors killed in the Spanish Civil War are brought home to Germany on the Battleship, Deutschland. The warship glides slowly to a pier, where a band and military honor guard stand at attention. Crew of the Deutschland stands on deck in formation. Flower-covered caskets of the fallen sailors, are seen on the deck of the Deutschland. A flag of Nazi Party, at half mast, on a building. Views of the funeral on land, for the fallen sailors. A German Admiral speaks at a podium, surrounded by the caskets of the fallen. Honor Guards surround the lawn. Civilian mourners stand holding umbrellas, against a rain shower. Adolf Hitler ceremoniously lays a wreath on the caskets and walks slowly and quietly past the mourners.

Date: 1937, June 18
Duration: 2 min 2 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675047322
Ninth Nazi Party Congress Rally in Zeppelin Field, focused on the RAD (Reichsarbeitdienst) National Labor Service

A major rally in Zeppelin Field, part of the Ninth Nazi Party Congress activities in Nuremberg, Germany between 6th -13th September, 1937. German Chancellor Adolf Hitler watches Sturmabteilung (Storm Troopers) parade. He stands on a car and reviews the parade. Civilians watch the parade. The soldiers hold flags of the Nazi Party. Members of the RAD (Reichsarbeitdienst or National Labor Service) are assembled in center of the field. They are stripped to the waist and carry shovels. They perform a drill with the shovels. The crowd cheers. Leader of the RAD, Konstantin Hierl, presents the 38,000 members assembled, to Adolf Hitler, who then greets them from the podium. The RAD members sing an anthem.

Date: 1937, September
Duration: 1 min 56 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675047323
Hermann Wilhelm Goering represents Hitler at Heroes' memorial day ceremonies in 1938

The opening scene depicts Heldengedenktag (Heroes' memorial day) in Berlin, March 13,1938. It shows the spartan interior of the Neue Wache (New Guard) World War One memorial on Unter den Linden. A cross stands above masses of flowers and a flame burns next to it. A sentry stands outside the building. View of the equestrian statue of Frederick the Great, nearby in the center of Unter den Linden. Camera pans back across the front of the New Guard building showing soldiers in formation on either side. Accompanied by two officers, Hermann Goering in uniform, including steel helmet, walks behind soldiers as they carry a large floral wreath across the square and into the New Guard building. View from inside as they enter and place the wreath. Closeup of the wreath shows a ribbon with words: "Adolf Hitler." The two officers render a Nazi salute and Goering salutes with his Luftwaffe Field Marshal's baton. Throughout the sequence,the war song, "Ich hatt' einen Kameraden," is softly played as a slow dirge in the background. Scene shifts completely to a hall at night, in Vienna, Austria, as Goering gives a speech referring to Adolf Hitler. View of St. Stephen's cathedral and scenes from several days prior, as crowd of German people cheer in Heldenplatz about the Anschluss (annexation of Austria by Germany). Animated map showing the territorial annexation. Slate displaying the slogan: "Ein Volk; Ein Reich; Ein Fuhrer" (One people; one nation; one leader.) (Note: Regarding the New Guard, in Berlin: Since 1993, it has been the Central Memorial of the Federal Republic of Germany for the victims of war and tyranny. The eternal flame was replaced by a Four- times-enlarged copy of the bronze sculpture, "Mother with Dead Son,"by Kaethe Kollwitz, on a slab of black granite in the center of the room underneath the oculus. Her original small bronze made in 1937, resides in the Kaethe Kollwitz Museum in Charlottenburg.)

Date: 1938, March 13
Duration: 1 min 56 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675041762
Scenes from World War 1, and world events in the period between World War I and World War II.

Rail guns firing in World War 1. U.S. troops charging out of trenches. Allied gunners firing "French 75s" Allied twin-tailed biplane bombers. French Renault F17 tanks. Crowds in cities celebrate Armistice Day and end of World War I. Treaty of Versailles. Destruction of warships. Scenes of Paris. A pagoda in Japan. Temples in Siam, China, and Manchuria. Two Kayan women in Myanmar or Thailand perform a dance. Both Kayan women wear long brass coil neck rings. In the U.S., a boy hits a baseball and runs toward first base. Scenes of Japan invading Manchuria. Newspaper with headline: Henry Stimson denouncing Japan. U.S. Army troops dispel World War I veteran bonus marchers. Men lined up in bread line for unemployed during Great Depression. Brief shot of Gangsters in gun battle in an American city. Scenes of dust bowl in American with farmers and families heading West in caravans. Family standing by tent. Torchlight parade in Germany. Adolf Hitler standing with German President Hindenburg circa 1933. Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, and Victor Lutze, at 1934 Nazi Rally in Nuremberg. Italian Caproni bombers over Ethiopia. Ethiopian tribesmen and Haile Selassie. U.S.Neutrality Act. American youths with a 1930 Ford coupe. Scenes from Civil war in Spain. Spanish Rebel forces in ground combat with Nationalist forces. German and Italian aircraft participate in bombing Spanish Nationalist targets in Spanish Civil War. Spanish civilians flee bombing, tend to wounded and dead victims following bombings. Italian Savoia-Marchetti S.M.79 Sparviero bombers. Crowds running for shelter. Women and children victims of bombing, some crying and in shock. Spanish General Francisco Franco arrives by train in southern France to meet with Hitler. View of Gallup Poll forms, and findings, with Americans against entering European war and preferring neutrality. Japanese planes and warships attack China. Naval Chinese civilians run for cover; bodies of Chinese in trucks. Japanese freighters, Buenos Aires and Tatsuno Maru, in U.S. ports being loaded with scrap iron and metals. Hitler, Goering and other officers in 1938. Adolf Hitler, Neville Chamberlain, Edouard Daladier, Benito Mussolini, Count Ciano sign Munich Agreement. Hitler riding standing up in an open car during a rally in Germany. Elevated view of Los Angeles, then view of traffic on streets of Los Angeles California and newspapers being sold to pedestrians. View of faces of American citizens in a movie theater watching Confessions of a Nazi Spy. German-American Bund activities including outdoor rallies in the U.S. (Camp Siegfried in Yaphank, Long Island, New York, in 1937), and an indoor rally in New York City at Madison Square Garden in 1939. Emperor Hirohito reviewing World War 2 troops of Japan. Japanese steel production and arms production in Japanese factories. The Hokoku Maru Japanese ship being launched with fanfare from Tama Shipyards on July 5, 1939. Meeting of United States Military Affairs Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives in late 1939 to consider national defense matters. In meeting of Naval Affairs Committee, representative asks for increase of 25 percent in authorized naval tonnage.

Date: 1940
Duration: 11 min 26 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675046108
Igor Sikorsky, in Vought-Sikorsky VS-300 helicopter, sets new record for sustained flight,at Stratford, Connecticut

Igor Sikorsky seated inside Vought-Sikorsky VS-300, an experimental helicopter at a field behind the Vought-Sikorsky plant off Sniffens lane, Stratford, Connecticut. Sikorsky takes off in his VS-300 helicopter attempting to set a new world's endurance record for sustained flight. At one point during the flight, Robert Mackellar III, an employee, in white lab coat, holds up a sign reading "Worlds Record BROKEN, 1 hour 20 mts, as the helicopter continues to hover, breaking the record of 1 hour, 20 minutes and 40 seconds, set in 1937 by Heinrich Focke in Germany. Judges check their watches to confirm the airborne time of the helicopter. The Vought-Sikorsky VS-300 helicopter sets a new record of 1 hour and 32 minutes sustained flight.

Date: 1941, May 6
Duration: 46 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675022494
Japanese actions leading to 2nd Sino-Japanese war and attack on United States at Pearl Harbor in World War II

Japanese army officers examining foreign military equipment. A Japanese worker employing electric drill developed in a Western country. The Japanese freighter, Tatsuno Maru, loading scrap iron at a port in the United States. Other Japanese freighters loading coal and oil for shipment back to Japan. View of the Washington Naval Conference in Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, DC, held in 1921-22 and again in 1927 and 1930, to deal with several lingering issues. Glimpse of Japanese people holding flags while gathered near the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. Glimpse of Japanese army troops on parade. Japanese Navy warships at sea. A fleet of Japanese Mitsubishi G3M bombers and Nakajima Ki-27 pursuit planes, parked on an airfield. A loose formation of Ki-27s airborne. Animated map illustrates Japanese fortification of Mariana, Caroline, and Marshall islands in the Pacific. Animated map illustrating China's greater size and population vis-a-vis Japan. Animated map illustrating Japanese occupation of Manchuria in 1931. New York Times newspaper with headline "Japs Seize Manchuria" hovers over fires burning in Manchuria. Other newspaper headlines reporting on Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia; the Spanish civil war; surrender of Czechoslovakia; invasion of Poland; assaults on France, Belgium, and the Netherlands by Nazi Germany; the London Blitz; and Nazi advances against Russia on the Eastern Front. Fnally, a Boston Hearald extra edition headline reports: "Pearl Harbor Bombed." A still photograph of Japanese Baron Tanaka Giichi (on left) with two other dignitaries, circa 1929. Japanese infantry streaming into Manchuria and then celebrating as they walk into local town. A busy street in a Chinese city. Japanese soldiers in Manchuria escorting local prisoners along a street. Animated map illustrating Japananese warships surrounding harbor of Shanghai, China. View from a Japanese ship bombarding Shanghai. Smoke rising from shell striking on Shanghai waterfront. View from land of severely damaged buildings on a street, and a shell exploding in background, as Chinese defenders move to successfully repel the Japanese forces. New map illustrates subsequent Japanese move, annexing Jehol, from occupied Manchukuo, and Korea. Japanese troops entering a town in Jehol. Sun newspaper headline: "League Censures Japan." Chinese diplomat protesting at League of Nations. Japanese troops exiting railroad trains in Jehol. Aisin Gioro Puyi aka Henry Pu Yi, Kangde Emperor (Kang-te Emperor) of the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo, is seen saluting Japanese troops on parade. Closeup of Puyi wearing shaded glasses, looking directly into the camera. chiang Kai-shek, with other Chinese officers. Reenactment of barbarian forces riding against China and thwarted by the Great Wall. Many Chinese walking in a long line along the Great Wall. Map tracing the Great Wall across China. Aerial view of the Great Wall from overflying airplane. Japanese troops marching through a city gate; infantry climbing a sheer cliff; and helmeted Japanese soldiers marching past civilians in a city. Map illustrated progress of Chinese unification by year 1937. Japanese officers conferring during occupation. Japanese troops leave a barracks, riding in open trucks. A line of the troop trucks moving along the dirt street of a town. The troops climb from their trucks in the town.

Date: 1941
Duration: 3 min 59 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675025181