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Westbury New York USA 1929 stock footage and images

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USAF Aviation cadets socialize with women airmen during off hours at Lackland AFB, Texas

U.S. Air Force Aviation Cadets are seen relaxing at an airman's club on Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. One, a Cadet Colonel, is seated, reading a book. Another converses with an airman. Another cadet, accompanied by a woman airman, enters and introduces her to the others. Closeup of the cadet reading on the couch. The two cadets and two airmen are chatting amicably. The cadet, who arrived with the woman airman, leaves with her. Two more women airmen arrive and then leave with the other cadet and airman, as couples. Another woman airman arrives and joins the remaining cadet. They converse .

Date: 1949
Duration: 35 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675077924
USAF Aviation cadets relaxing in their barracks at Lackland AFB. Cadets being inspected by a tactical officer.

U.S. Air Force Aviation Cadets at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, are seen relaxing in their barracks in the evening. They do various things like writing letters, and studying. Next, they are seen being inspected by an Air Force Officer tactical officer, who walks through the barracks where cadets stand at attention next to their respective bunks. Closeups of one cadet, standing in a "brace" (exaggerated form of attention demanded of cadets) while the inspecting officer points at his shoes.

Date: 1950
Duration: 1 min 4 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675077925
U.S. Air Force Aviation Cadets spending leisure time and some going to a chapel at Lackland AFB, Texas

U.S. Air Force Aviation Cadets at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio doing things in their spare time. Cadet teeing off at a golf course. Cadets playing tennis. Three cadets leaving the Post. They wait at the Lackland main gate for another cadet who picks them up in 1949 Mercury sedan. They exchange salutes with the Air Policeman guarding the gate. They get into the car and drive away. Next, Aviation Cadets are seen in formation heading into the Lackland AFB Chapel number 5. They enter in single file removing their hats as they enter.

Date: 1950
Duration: 58 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675077926
USAF Aviation Cadets march in review at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.

Opening scene shows a formation of marching U.S. Air force Aviation Cadets on parade at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. ( A small black and white dog salks along side them.)Cadets in the leading contingent carry brass instruments and their director begins to signal for them to play. Scene shifts to an Aviation Cadet Colonel seen from behind, as he salutes the colors massed along with formations of cadets in the background. Cadets carry guidons of the various Cadet Squadrons. Closeup of one partly lowered with words: "40th Aviation Cadet Group" and letter "A." printed on it. Closeup from behind of cadets marching. Closeup of marching feet. Three cadet colonels salute U.S. Air Force officers on a small reviewing stand. View of Air Force Colonel and two field grade officers on the reviewing stand. Formations of cadets marching .Their cadet officers render salutes as they pass the reviewing stand. Closeups of cadets marching toward the camera. Closeup of color guard bearing American flag plus those of several nations having cadets in this training class. Closeups from behind, of the Air Force Colonel and one Field Grade officer, on the reviewing stand. They salute as the massed colors pass. Closeups of cadets saluting the colors. Front view of the Squadron A contingent marching.

Date: 1950
Duration: 48 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675077927
U.S. Air Force Aviation cadets socialize during time off at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.

Members of an Aviation Cadet band play as others dance with enlisted women airmen during time off in the U.S. Air Force Aviation Cadet Training program at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.

Date: 1950
Duration: 14 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675077928
U.S. Air Force Aviation cadets parade at Lackland Air Force Base. View of USAF T-33 jet trainer aircraft maneuvering in flight

View from rear of formation of U.S. Air Force Aviation Cadets marching in formation at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. Their barracks and the base water tower are seen in the background. Scene shifts to a USAF T-33 jet training aircraft in flight. The aircrraft rolls over to the left and dives toward the ground below.

Date: 1950
Duration: 25 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675077929