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Western Front European Theater 1917 stock footage and images

- Showing 25 to 30 of 8783 results
German infantry, armored cars, half-tracks, and motorcycles approach a flaming town on the Russian border during WWII.

German troops battle in a town on the Russian border during World War II. A map of the Eastern Front in the European Theater. Wrecked military vehicles on the road. German infantry, armored cars, half-tracks, and motorcycles approach the flaming town. The convoy enters the town. Burning buildings. Soldiers in half-tracks. Troops marching. Soldiers near a stream. They mount camels and proceed through a grain field. Smoke due to explosions and charred buildings in the town.

Date: 1942
Duration: 2 min 12 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675021771
Russian Revolution occurring during World War I. Scenes from first world war and from protests in streets of Russia.

The Russian Revolution of 1917. Scenes of trench warfare on the Western Front during World War I. German soldiers firing at enemy positions. Ill-equipped Russian troops in the field, and suffering from pestilence and disease. A Russian soldier wearing no shirt and with no equipment is seen scratching at itches on his own body. Starving, sad Russian children are shown back in Russia. Scenes of St Petersburg, Russia in March 1917, during demonstrations for increased bread rations. Responding Russian troops defect and join demands for the transfer of power from the Czar to an elected parliament. A military vehicle loaded with troops is seen rallying and celebrating with Russian people. Minister of Justice in the Provisional Government Alexander Kerensky speaks to a large crowd. Czar Nicholas II, who has abdicated, sitting on a stump, with a few guards behind him. Political prisoners are freed from prisons. Leon Trotsky, speaking from a train platform, upon his return from exile in Canada. Summer, 1917, and Alexander Kerensky becomes Head of the Russian Provisional Government. Kerensky, standing in the balcony of a building, proclaims Russia a republic. A large crowd gathered outside the building. Vladimir Lenin speaking to a large crowd on the Kerensky Republic. View of Farmer workers with shovels in a field. Lenin and Trotsky call for the members of the Farmer Worker Army Union Soviet to work against the Kerensky Republic. View of Lenin speaking against the Republic and for class warfare. Lenin's Bolsheviks riot and seize the railroad stations, telegraph lines, and government offices. A tower column of the Russian monarchy is seen falling to the ground. Events on November 25 after the Russian Revolution: A number of people on a street during elections called for by Kerensky. View of Lenin talking to people in the streets. Lenin's Bolshevik group loses to the SR party. People in the streets near the time of the election. The elected assembly of the Socialist Revolutionary Party is seen meeting under the protection of Trotsky's Red Army which is seen marching near a crowd. Catherine Breshkovsky is seen standing and speaking at the assembly meeting. The elected assembly in session. The assembly refuses to turn power over to the Lenin Soviet. The members of the elected assembly are seen finally giving in to the Bolsheviks and the factions of the SR that have split to support the Bolsheviks. The leaders of the defeated faction of the Socialist Revolutionary Party (SR) are seen leaving the grounds of the assembly. In the next scene, a crowd protests against the dismissal of the elected assembly, to no avail.. Lenin speaking to a large crowd. He speaks about the power won and maintained by violence. Views of the demonstrating crowd.

Date: 1917
Duration: 4 min 32 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675066488
A U.S. 8th Fighter Command plane piloted by Lieutenant Mendenhall attacks Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighter aircraft.

German aircraft attacked by a U.S. aircraft on 18th March 1944 in the European Theater during World War II. A U.S. aircraft of 8th Fighter Command is piloted by Lieutenant Mendenhall of 354th Squadron. The aircraft attacks a German Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighter aircraft from rear. The aircraft catches fire. Another Messerschmitt Bf 109 makes a front attack. A crashed aircraft on snow-covered terrain. Clumps of trees on all sides.

Date: 1944
Duration: 15 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675047668
Views of ammunition depot allegedly sabotaged by Germans within the United States during World War I.

The United States of America in 1917. Scenes of Lyndhurst, New Jersey after January 11, 1917 explosion in the Canadian Car and Foundry Company in Kingsland. Suspected cause of explosion was sabotage, allegedly committed by Germans during World War I. Smoke from buildings on fire at night after an ammunition depot explodes. Flames rise high from the buildings. Widespread destruction. Debris on a railroad track the next day. People pick through devastated buildings and barren area flattened by blast. Views of crater filled with artillery shells after the explosion. Damaged window panes of buildings and a railroad car at D.L.&W (Delaware, Lackawanna & Western) Railroad Shops building at Kingsland (later Lyndhurst). DL&W railroad train car 605 parked. Railroad Shops with broken glass everywhere from explosions. Men point to shell that is embedded in the side of a railroad car. View of artillery shell lodged in a door. Next scene is from a different time and place, in Perth Amboy, in October of 1918 after an explosion at the T.A. Gillespie Shell Loading Plant made many families homeless. was called the Morgan Depot Explosion. Homeless women, children, and men sit in a town common area. The refugees eat. U.S. Army soldiers patrolling on Smith Street in Perth Amboy in front of stores damaged in the explosion. Entrance to Michaels & Co. shop among damaged stores on Smith Street.

Date: 1917
Duration: 2 min 8 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675055045
African American U.S. Army soldiers in transport, on the front, and in battle during World War II.

A film about achievements and role of African American soldiers during World War II. A map of the Atlantic Ocean. Nazi German and Japanese flags. Allied soldiers liberate cities in Europe and civilians welcome them. African American Army soldiers walk up troop ship gang plank onto a troop carrier ship for transport to the war front. An Allied invasion convoy underway in the Atlantic Ocean. Equipment and food supplies being carried to troops. Supplies being unloaded at a beach in the European Theater. Airstrips, roads and bridges being constructed. Trees being cleared at the Alcan Highway. African American soldiers in combat fire rifles and fire artillery at enemy positions. A Japanese enemy airplane in flight as an African American soldier fires an anti aircraft gun at the aircraft. Explosions occur at a battlefield.

Date: 1945
Duration: 2 min 25 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675078152
Japanese capture Canton (Guangzhou), China during the Second Sino-Japanese War

Imperial Japanese Army troops marching through the city of Sha-He during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Map showing the town of Sha-He, China. Japanese soldiers in Army trucks enter Sha-He. Destruction and rubble in Sha-He after Japanese bombardment. A Nationalist Kuomintang monument in China. Soldiers find the KMT monument. IJA vehicles entering a Chinese city. A poster of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, the chairman and leader of Republic of China. A man sits on top of a pile of boxes. Japanese army truck pass under a nationalist poster. Chinese refugees sitting in front of a closed storefront. Japanese troops enter a municipal hall. An anti-Western cartoon graffiti on the wall. The western characters are depicted wearing Japanese geta sandals. Captured Western women and children. A European or American man using a video camera. French Navy personnel walking away. Japanese soldiers capture Canton, China (Guangzhou, China). Boats sailing in the Pearl River. Fire engulfs a building. Heavy smoke covers the street. Japanese troops search captured Chinese Nationalist prisoners of war. They confiscate items and weapons. Prisoners of war talking to each other. Japanese soldiers march into Canton and capture Western prisoners of war.1938.

Date: 1938
Duration: 4 min 56 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Japanese
Clip: 65675025105