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Wiesbaden Germany 1957 stock footage and images

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Retired Admiral and Mrs.Arthur W. Radford arrive at the U.S.Air Force Base, Wiesbaden, Germany

Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Retired Admiral Arthur W. Radford, and his wife, arrive by C-118 aircraft and are met by Air Force officers at U.S Air Force Base, Wiesbaden, Germany. After exchanging greetings with their host officers, The Radfords enter a car and and are driven away. The rear of the car displays four stars, indicating the retired admiral's rank.

Date: 1957
Duration: 1 min 39 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675031774
U.S. President John F Kennedy arrives at the U.S. Military Hotel General Von Steuben in Wiesbaden Germany

A U.S. Army VH-3A helicopter lands on the lawn of the Hotel General von Steuben, in Wiesbaden, Germany. A crowd of spectators stands across the drive from the hotel lawn, constrained by German policemen. U.S. Air Force Military policemen stand guard on the nearer side of the drive. Soon the Presidential VH-3 helicopter, Marine One, lands on the lawn. It displays the Presidential seal and that of the Military District of Washington, DC. Next, President John F. Kennedy is seen walking past the Army helicopter and into the U.S. Military's Hotel General von Steuben. He is accompanied by German Chancellor, Ludwig Erhard, U.S. Secretary of State, Dean Rusk and U.S. Army Aide, Brigadier General Chester V. Clifton, along with a phalanx of Secret Service Agents. Other officials look out from a dining room window of the hotel as the Presidential party arrives. (Note: In the 1950s, the U.S. built three large military hotels in Wiesbaden. In 1951,a star-shaped Hotel [the American Arms] was built on Frankfurter Strasse. In 1955, the 9-story Amelia Earhart Hotel was opened. It was a utilitarian structure, with row after row of windows. President Nixon once stayed there. It closed in 1995. The General von Steuben Hotel, depicted in this film, was the newest, built in 1956, on Auguste Viktoria Strasse, near the train station. It is now a commercial hotel, "the Dorint Hotel Pallas Wiesbaden.")

Date: 1963, June 26
Duration: 1 min 52 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675034046
Views of Wiesbaden and Mainz, Germany, at end of World War II in Europe. German soldiers being relocated.

Opening slate reads April 17, 1945, Wiesbaden, Germany. A brick building in Wiesbaden with large arrow pointing downstairs, labeled "LSR"meaning Luftschutzraum (Air-raid room). Signpost in front of a building with damaged roof, reads,"Radfahr-weg" (bicycle path). Below it an American army sign reads "WP-Water Point." U.S. soldier directs military vehicles, carrying surrendered German soldiers, as they cross the Rhein (Rhine) river, from Wiesbaden to Mainz on a pontoon bridge. The dome of Christuskirche (Christ Church) across the river, dominates the skyline

Date: 1945
Duration: 1 min 24 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675064584
U.S. President John F. Kennedy going through parade route and spectators in Wiesbaden.

Motorcycle police escorting President John F. Kennedy's motorcade through parade route in Wiesbaden. People wave small flags of West Germany and U.S. Police controls crowd. View of the Wiesbaden Kurhaus (Kurhauspl. 1, 65189 Wiesbaden, Germany) with "Aquis Mattiacis" inscribed on building facade.

Date: 1963, June 26
Duration: 1 min 13 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675034047
Mess facilities provide meals to NATO airmen during Operation Cirrus, at Wiesbaden Air Force Base, Germany.

View inside mess tent set up on Wiesbaden Air Force Base in Wiesbaden, Germany, to support personnel in NATO Exercise Cirrus, 1951. Cooks are seen preparing and cooking food in large trays, and placing some in strainers to be served. Scene shifts to cooks dispensing dinners to some NATO airmen as they pass along in a chow line.

Date: 1951, September 28
Duration: 1 min 1 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675048590
Lieutenant General Urbani greeted by officers on his arrival at Wiesbaden Air Force Base in Germany

Operation Jupiter. Wiesbaden Germany. A ramp wheeled to C-47 aircraft with foreign markings. Italian officers, Lieutenant General Urbani, Chief of Staff Italian Air force, and General Unia, a Wing Commander of Italian Air Force, greeted by Colonel Rich, Chief of Staff, 12th Air Force, and Colonel Roberts, Commanding Officer of Wiesbaden Air Force Base. Italian and American officers review an honor guard and get into a car. Nose of C-47 aircraft. Italian and American personnel stand by the door of plane. The plane taxis away.

Date: 1951, September 27
Duration: 2 min 22 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675048616