French military police amidst a crowd of French civilians outside a church in France near the end of World War 2. U.S. Army personnel take pictures of services. Parisian girl standing with a U.S. Army soldier. Military Police lined up in front of the cathedral entrance. Bishops emerge from the church. General de Gaulle leaves the church in a motorcade. French car with a military official seated inside and four stars on the pIate. French soldiers as they give rifle salutes. Church cleric talking to a French officer. Gendarmes standing among civilians and American officer standing with a WAC (Women's Army Corps) officer. British guards lined up as people emerge from the church. Guard of Honor in the fore ground. Elderly French woman and man leave the church. GIs enters the church. Russian Bishop emerges from the church and enters car. French civilians around the church including children and a young boy on the shoulders of a man.
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