Germany about a month before the end of World War 2 in Europe. A crash landed United States Army Air Force Republic P-47D Thunderbolt aircraft, nicknamed "Mom's Irish Mick." It was assigned to the 404th Fighter Squadron, 371st fighter Group, and crash landed on Advanced Landing Ground Y-74 Frankfurt/Eschborn that had been seized by advancing U.S. forces, in 1945. The aircraft carries tail number 44-33253 and was piloted by Charles T. Martin III. Officers retrieve ammunition from the wing gun. Crane brought in to lift the fighter plane also known as the Jug. Crane pulls the P-47 off field. The hulk of a Gotha 242 transport glider stands next to the American flag at half mast with air field tents in the background. A formation of P-47s flies over the flag. Four P-47s buzz and pull up with the flag in foreground. P-47s flying in 'V' formation with American flag in foreground and officers on the ground. Four P-47s circle for landing. A North American T-6 Texan training plane, a.k.a. Harvard, with occupants in both cockpits, taking off and pulling up.
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