United States soldiers and sailors participate in amphibious training exercise, in the Chesapeake Bay, during World War 2. Soldier and Sailors exit a Landing Craft Personnel Large, LCPL, and run across a beach towards some woods. Soldiers crouched aboard a Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel, LCVP, under way. Note many of the soldiers armed with M-1 Garand rifles, have applied condoms to the muzzles of their rifle barrels, to prevent salt water corrosion. The fleet transport USS Elizabeth C. Stanton, AP-69, flagship for amphibious exercises in Chesapeake Bay., at anchor. A Landing Craft Personnel Large, LCPL passes by in the foreground. Soldiers aboard and exiting a beached Landing Craft Vehicle Personnel, LCVP. An LCVP with 'P69-10' painted on its side hits the beach. Soldiers exit near yellow cloth beach signal panel and run across the beach.
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