Screen magazine film 'The Old Home Town' shows activities in Springfield, New Jersey and its citizens' interest in the war effort during World War II. Blue star service flag in the window of a house to symbolize a family member in service. Close up view of the blue star service flag. Interior of the house. Framed photographs on the mantle in the living room, including some of young men in military uniform. A mother writes a letter to her son describing the latest activities of Springfield. 1940s small town America views include the First National Bank of Springfield, a store for War Bonds and Stamps, a Luncheonette for soda, candy, and ice cream. High School teenager children at a packed drug store soda fountain area. Cars line a street downtown. Women outside stores in the market. Children rush out of a school building. A mail man approaches a house to deliver mail. A blue star service flag is seen at that also. Two women share news received in a mail from a son at war. A newspaper boy delivers the newspaper to a doorstep. A man reads the newspaper with his family in the living room. An Honor Roll erected by the Lions Club in the town square. Two men put up a star near the name of Howard Lott, lost in the Mediterranean. Men fix handy work around houses like: saw wood, fix bureau, wash windows, fix doors and paint landings. People of Springfield in a church pray for the young men and women in service.
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