Ground Procedures during pre-flight inspection of a U.S. Navy T2J-1 Buckeye trainer aircraft. A pre-start cockpit check before a solo flight. Two airmen and the pilot near the aircraft. The pilot makes the cockpit check. Rear cockpit: Inspection of the red seat cover, 3 safety pins, canopy release pin, emergency disconnect switch and oxygen valve. The pilot climbs aboard into the cockpit front seat. He is strapped in by an airman. Puts on his helmet and oxygen mask. Turns on oxygen mask valve and checks aneroid gauge. The plane captain removes the 3 safety pins and the canopy release handle. The pilot inspects and adjusts the following on the left console: fuel shut off valve, oxygen shut off valve, radio equipment, tip tank fuel dump handle, tip tank fuel transfer switch, speed brake dump handle, air start ignition switch, power control friction lever, power control lever, speed break switch, engine master switch, hydraulic boost switch, circuit breakers and landing gear handle. Right console: arresting hook control handle, DC power control switch and the instrument AC power switch. The pilot then adjusts the electrical control transfer light, rudder peddle and seat. He inspects the voltmeter, fuel quantity indicator and liquid oxygen quantity indicator.
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