Progressive aggression leading to the take over of Tibet and fleeing of the Dalai Lama to India in exile. Men raise the People's Republic of China flag on a mountain as armies of Communist China conquer Tibet. 1950: The Dalai Lama and Panchem Lama are brought to Peking in China. They are received by Chinese officials, presented with bouquets. A function at their arrival. 1955: African and Asian delegates at the Bandung Conference in Indonesia. China agrees to the 5 principles of peaceful co-existence. Delegates including Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai and Indian Prime Minister Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. 1956: The Dalai Lama and Panchem Lama are permitted to visit India to celebrate the 2500th birth anniversary of Lord Buddha. They are greeted by Pandit Nehru, Premier U Nu of Burma and other Indian officials an arrival. The Lamas with Indian officials seated for a meal on the ground in a hall. The Lamas are welcomed in a ceremony and Dalai Lama addresses the gathering. Tibet: China begins to impose Communist system on Tibetan borders. Construction work and forced labor. March 1959: Communist bombardment over Lhasa. The Potala monastery. Tibetans take up alms. Handcuffs and confinements. Demonstrations and protests outside the Chinese Embassy in Delhi. Former Prime Minister Of Tibet, Lukhangwa and other monks pay their respects at Mahatma Gandhi's samadhi (mausoleum) in New Delhi. Indian government officials and members of the international press reach Tezpur in Assam. They welcome the Dalai Lama. Photographers take pictures. The Dalai Lama addresses a gathering. Statues of Lord Buddha all over India and Asia. Tibetan monks pray. People sing Indian devotional song.
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