Admiral Byrd, Paul Siple (Boy Scout Eagle scout) and two other members of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition, in the library of Little America, Antarctica. They sit and plot an exploratory flight with a compass and pencil on a map. Two men smoke pipes. Men prepare their Fokker Super Universal plane and fuel it for the flight. A man stands with bags and supplies. The plane taxis and takes off. Men wave as it takes flight. Plane in the skies. The plane is parked near the crew's tent at the foot of the Rockefeller mountains. Men at a recording equipment note down readings. Two men climb uphill and put up flags. They remove rocks with an ice axe and examine them. A man takes out a pad from his bag and takes notes. A blizzard comes over the ice sheet. and wrecks their airplane. A man examines the damage to radio equipment. Men take out rations, cups, and chocolates from a bag. They sit dow to eat and drink. A man opens a sleeping bag. Another aircraft from the base camp arrives to rescue them. They celebrate.
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