Views of a South Bronx neighborhood. From a high vantage point, camera pans across rooftops of apartment houses in section of the South Bronx, New York City. Voices of local residents (unseen) are heard in conversations. Camera zooms in on Wash hung to dry on lines stretched across alleyway between backs of buildings. It focuses on members of a family staying cool by sitting outside on the fire escape of their building. A shirtless boy is looking about in a vacant lot. Another boy splashes water flowing near the curb in the street. Scene of activity on Oak Terrace, elderly Jewish women walk to Temple on Beekman Ave. Children seated in their window. Groups of children playing self-organized games in the street. Women and children on an apartment stoop. Two young women walking together. Boys climbing on their fire escape. Girls playing "potsie" (variant of hopscotch) in the street. Children with noses pressed against their apartment window screen. A girl riding her bicycle. School-aged children talking. Two old ladies walking slowly along the sidewalk. A boy giving a smaller one a "piggy back" ride. Women and their children on steps of their building. Young men "hanging out" on the sidewalk. They gather around with others to watch two boys wrestling in the street. Boys jumping on old furniture placed at the curb. A man, a woman, and a teenage girl, walking. The man holds a small boy in his arms. The teenager takes the boy and she and the man hold his hands as he walks between them. View from car driving slowly uphill on Eagle Avenue heading towards 149th Street. Cars parked on the left side include one that has been completely stripped of its wheels and tires. Further along, two men look under the open hood of a 1960 Plymouth Fury automobile, parked at the curb. Other cars seen parked and pedestrians walking on sidewalks. View from car approaching business district, where steel grates protect some closed establishments. A man getting a shoeshine on the sidewalk. Two well-dressed little girls walking. Pedestrians walking past a line of shops. Partial writing "...Jtch unknown Sinners" is scrawled on building, underneath a sign in Spanish advertising Ballantine beer.
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