Night vision techniques and the use of metascope and starlight scope by the United States Army. Relaistic example of a night operation. Sergeant King obtains a starlight scope to scan the opposite bank.. Point man receives instructions for crossing the danger area. Soldiers advance. Soldiers in prone position takes aim with both eyes open above the barrel, and fire. One soldier signals to the rest. Two soldiers by the road. They take out a starlight scope and look through it. Sergeant King decides to continue and the patrol moves across. A soldier signals with a torch. They move through the jungle. Sergeant King radios the Company Commander about their approach into the parameter. Point man scans the area with a starlight scope to locate the friendly patrol. Recognizing the patrol leader's signal, the guard signals him to move forward. The patrol moves ahead while the guard continues to scan. The patrol returns, mission accomplished. Soldiers employ the night vision principles of scanning and off center vision, as well as night vision devices for successful night operations.
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