United States airlift of Vietnamese refugees during the fall of Saigon at the end of the Vietnam war, in April and May 1975. Vietnamese refugees clog roads as the walk south carrying their possessions. Some are seen leaving buses and boarding by the rear ramp of a U.S. Air Force C-141 aircraft of the Military Airlift Command (MAC), at Tan Son Nhut airfield (Than Son Nhat International Airport, Trường Sơn, Phường 2, Tân Bình, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam) in Saigon, Vietnam. Numerous boats arriving at southern port in Vietnam, carrying refugees. A MAC C-141 taking off with refugees, behind a Pan American World Airways, Boeing 747 jet airplane transport, contracted by MAC to provide additional airlift. A U.S. airman assisting refugees in the airport lounge. Glimpse of a MAC C-141 in flight. Refugees crowded, sitting on the floors, in the airport in the airport terminal.
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