View from a U.S. Marine bunker as enemy shell explodes nearby, during the siege of Khe Sanh in 1968 during the Vietnam War. The United States Marines in the Battle of Khe Sanh firing mortars and a 105mm howitzer from their bunker. Enemy shells exploding on the tarmac, where American Air Force C-130 aircraft are parked. Marines rushing wounded comrades on stretchers, to C-130s for evacuation. Scene shifts to U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel James P. Sheehan, standing at Camp Pendleton, California. (He was a company commander in the siege at Khe Sanh.) As he describes the C-130 aircraft support operations, a contingent of marines marches past, behind him. Scene shifts to a civilian narrator standing in the Military Airlift Command (MAC) Headquarters Command Center at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. Among other things, he describes MAC support to the Tactical Air Command in Korea. Camera focuses on MAC air routes in the vicinity of the Philippines, Japan, and Korea. Next, is seen view of airfield at Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho, briefly at sunset, and then at night, as pilots of the 366th Tactical Fighter Wing and their F-111 aircraft prepare to depart for Korea, in response to border tensions, in August, 1976, after North Korean forces killed two American officers ("Korean Axe Murder Incident" and resulting "Operation Paul Bunyan"). Ground crewman directs a taxiing F-111 using lighted wands. The F-111s takes off. One of them is seen landing after the 7 thousand mile flight to Korea, as Major Paul Malandrino,Jr. (unseen) of the 366th Wing, speaks about MAC's airlift support. A C-141 MAC aircraft is seen landing. View of a C-141 with tail doors open and its cargo of military equipment on the ramp behind it. Glimpse of a marine with rifle and earphones, guarding equipment on the airfield ramp. Closeups of F-111 aircraft taking off.
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