How the Civil Reserve Air Fleet, contract carriers, and U.S. Reserve and National Guard augment active U.S. military airlift c...
Views of civilian airlines and examples of how they and U.S. Air Force Reserve and National Guard aircraft augment the active U.S. military airlift Command capability in time of emergency. Civilian narrator speaks from inside the U.S. Air Force Military Airlift Command (MAC) Headquarters Command Center, at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. Next scene shows U.S. commercial airline passenger airplanes parked on a ramp. United Airlines, Delta Airlines, American Airlines, and Pan American aircraft are seen, some taxi, some parked, some taking off. A Boeing 727 jet taxis on the ramp. A Western Airlines 727 taxis behind a set of baggage carts being pulled by a tractor. The Narrator is discussing the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) to which most U.S. airlines belong, and which can be activated by the Secretary of Defense, for airlift support in the event of a national defense emergency. The Western 727 aircraft takes off. A TWA 727 aircraft takes off. U.S. military personnel and dependent women and children are seen descending a stairway from a commercial airliner contracted by the Department of Defense. Military supplies are seen being offloaded by U.S. Airmen, onto a traveling cargo carrier, from a Flying Tigers Boeing 707 aircraft. Refugees from Southeast Asia are gathered and processed at an airport and then board an American Airlines Boeing 747 aircraft. Refugees from Vietnam and Cambodia boarding an Overseas National Airways Boeing 747. An American Airlines 747 taking off. A glimpse of the narrator in MAC headquarters, at Scott Air Force Base, is followed by a mix of private and military aircraft on a parking ramp, including a, presumably privately owned, Japanese Nakajima B5N Navy Type 97 Carrier Attack Bomber (Kate) with Japanese markings. U.S.Air National Guard C-130 and C-123 aircraft are seen taxiing, and taking off from this civilian airfield.
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