United States Naval victory in Philippines in World War 2. The U.S. carriers including USS Lexington, USS Wasp and USS Hornet underway. The U.S. Navy planes on the carriers. Crew loads bombs onto the planes. A U.S. pilot wearing a helmet in the cockpit. Plane taxis and takes off. F6F Hellcats, TBF Avengers and SB2C Helldivers in flight. A map shows U.S. position at Leyte. Views of Japanese enemy aircraft attacking U.S. ships as U.S. ships fire guns at Japanese aircraft. A Japanese airplane is hit and spirals out of control into the sea. USS Princeton is bombed. Soldier watches through binoculars. The ship USS Princeton damaged and smoking. Damaged U.S. planes make spectacular landings on a carrier. The map shows advance of the U.S. Naval fleet. An animated caricature of Hideki Tojo being punched by a U.S. Navy sailor.
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