Mating of rocket powered aircraft X-15 with B-52 Stratofortress. B-52 with pylon mounted under wing. Weather truck, engineers and technicians gather around aircraft. X-15 sits on ground underneath pylon. X-15 sits underneath pylon and man work on each side. Weather truck and tug in the background. X-15 sits under B-52. Auxiliary power unit (APU) on right side and workmen between APU and X-15. Full view of X-15 sitting under the pylon attached to the B-52 wing. Overall view of X-15 sitting under the pylon. Upper fin turns back and forth. Barking flaps on upper fin open and close. Tail of X-15 sitting under pylon. X-15 sitting under pylon and a man works on cockpit. Two men work under X-15 on landing apparatus. Men work with jack under right wing gear. X-15 under pylon and workmen all around it. Overall view of X-15 on hoist in mating place. Men work all around it. Some men work on ground, some up on the X-15 and some on work stand. Nose of X-15. Men work around cockpit. X-15 mated. Men work off stand. Three men stand in front of camera blocking a lot of good view. Inboard and outboard engines along with the nose of the B-52. Nose of X-15 sticks out between the inboard engine and nose of B-52. X-15 is mated but still on hoist. Right wing of engine and wing gear is suspended in air. B-52 with X-15 mated.
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