A flag of United States waves on a flag pole in front of the Police Department County of Nassau County in New York. A woman police officer hands out diploma certificates in driving to a line of 8 year old boys and girls. The children are taught driving at the age of eight. Children get onto bicycles and small electric cars in the "Safety Village" established by the police force to teach children about driving. A young boy in an electric car buckles his seat belt. The children are seated in electric cars and are given instructions by the policeman to drive down the road of the village and make a right turn. Traffic signals in the background. The children drive the electric cars and follow the signals. They are taught to make the right moves at the right time. A signal reads 'Walk'. A woman police officer keeps instructing them. Children ride bicycles. All of the children are taught to use hand signals to signal their turns. Other children play the role of pedestrians in the Safety Village. A boy gives signal of right turn before the turn comes so that he can control the bicycle. A sign reads 'Stop'. The children stand in a line. The police officer gives instructions. Children ride bicycles and drive electric cars. A traffic signal.
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