Postwar living conditions in the People’s Republic of China under the Communist regime of Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-Tung) photographed by Indians visiting the country. The film highlights China's problems of industry, agriculture, and excess population. Advertisements and posters for the Mao Zedong led economic and social plan titled the 'Great Leap Forward' in 1958. Objectives of the plan. Agriculture, industry, and education in China, including brief shot of men, women, and children in classroom, possibly for re-education. Men and women work in factories and plants. A Russian sign reads 'Made in the Soviet Union'. Workers inside a huge automatic automotive plant set up and supplies by the Soviet Union (SU). A steel and iron company rebuilt and enlarged with the aid of Soviet Union. A seamless steel tube mill supplied and erected by the SU. A plant designed, equipped, and built by SU technicians. A bridge over a river. Women work in a high voltage testing laboratory equipped by the East German government. A fully automatic petroleum refinery built by the Japanese. A heavy gilding machine plant started by the Japanese in 1937. Various factories, plants, and industries in China. Rural farmland and irrigation. People work in backyard furnaces, factories, presses, rolling mills and automotive factories. Deserted city streets with few cars. Workers inside an automotive plant. Communist Party of China Chairman Mao Zedong signs a pact with the Premier of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev. Newspaper headlines regarding the disagreements leading to rifts in the China-Soviet relations in 1960. The Soviet Union withdraws technicians and support from China resulting in closure of industries. Statistics highlight China's dropping industrial production in steel, coal, electricity, and petroleum compared to that of USA, Soviet Union, and United Kingdom.
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