Hippie culture in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district, California. Cross section signs outside 'The Unique Men's Shop' read 'Ashbury' and 'Haight'. Pedestrians cross the street. Vehicular traffic on the road. A hippie couple on the sidewalk. A man films the hippie activities around the neighborhood. An elderly man in a white cap with a sign hanging from a chain around his neck. The cap reads 'Bo Maverick'. The placard reads 'Ashbury-Haight'. The man talks to the driver in a car. Pedestrians walk past an office window with a sign that reads 'Michael Vacheron, Certified Public Accountant'. People cross at the intersection outside 'The Unique Men's Shop'. Numerous signs in several shops on the sidewalk. Cars parked on the street. The 'Haight' and 'Ashbury' intersection sign. Several young Black hippies in the crowd. A Hippie woman bites an apple. Hippie woman hands over a bitten apple to the elderly man with the sign around his neck. A young man in a stereotypical “Tourist” attire- a camera on his neck, with sunglasses, bright yellow polo shirt, shorts, and socks. A fashionable couple wearing sunglasses and tailored suits walks past. A younger Hippie couple walk on the street. Pedestrians on the sidewalk. A couple amidst the crowd. A young shirtless hippie boy shows his tongue.
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