U.S. Army 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) 1st Special Forces base in Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. A sign reads 'Detachment B 51, Vietnam'. Barracks in the background. A road leading to the barracks. A sign over the entrance reads 'Home of Detachment B 51'. A group of Vietnamese Special Forces trainees being given a lesson in the Korean martial art of Tae Kown Do by two black belt Korean instructors. The instructors supervise as the trainees practice various maneuvers. U.S. soldiers stand in the background and watch. Drawings on the walls depict Tae Kwon Do basics. A board on the wall reads 'Tae Kwon Do, 5 Dieu Tam Niem'. Vietnamese soldiers stand by a barbed wire fence and watch. Two trainees salute the instructor and each other in the Tae Kwon Do class. (Vietnam War period).
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