British response to Nazi air raids in Battle of Britain, and use of American radar in the European Theater during World War II...
The role and contribution of the U.S. Army Signal Corps in combat and war. Opening scenes show bomb damage due to German Luftwaffe blitzkrieg air raids (The Blitz) in Southern Counties of London earlier during Battle of Britain in World War 2. Firemen and rescue workers try to extinguish the fires with water hoses. The rescue workers conduct operations amidst bomb damaged buildings and rubble. Severely damaged buildings. Rubble strewn all over the streets in England. A Food Flying Squad van makes its way on the streets. Food distributed from the van. A British man walks amidst the rubble. Relief work in progress. Buckets of food and water lying at camps. Displaced civilian people eat and drink. London civilian residents evacuate numerous areas. Evacuees walk across a bridge. Big Ben seen in the background. Allied bombers in flight. Royal Air Force de Havilland Mosquito aircraft track and shoot down enemy aircraft. The dogfights result in mid air explosions. Two soldiers operate a U.S. radar designed to direct antiaircraft fire in combat area. The radar tracks a target moving up to 600 miles an hour. The soldiers track down aerial targets, the gun directors make adjustments and the antiaircraft guns are fired at buzz bombs. Enemy V-1 Flying bombs are hit and downed before they can reach the coastline. German V-1 rockets are tracked over England by radar and shot down. An V-1 is hit. It descends to the ground and explodes. France: A downed V-1 flying bomb is examined. The wreckage of a V-1 in a field. Soldiers and civilians near the wrecked V-1 Flying Bomb
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