The role and contribution of the U.S. Army Signal Corps in combat during World War 2. Submarine cables laid down by the Signal Corps. Soldiers operate field army communication equipment for communication within and between units. Soldiers talk over the radio in a military jeep. American soldiers employ communication equipment seated at a table in a camp. A U.S. Army Signal Officer goes through documents. An officer receives a message in Washington DC. The message is relayed from the State Department to the Signal Center in the Pentagon building. Exterior views of the Pentagon building circa 1943 or 1944. Inside the Army Communications Signal Center in the Pentagon, technicians work using various communication equipment. They receive messages punched on tape as the tapes emerge from machines. Workers encoding and decoding secret and confidential messages that run the war. Workers at the 'Traffic Control, Army Command and Administrative System'. Paper messages seen gliding across a track near the ceiling above a signboard. A man inserts and removes cables from switchboard slots. The plans are then passed on in code through a maze of antennas all over the world. An animated map depicts the sending of these messages by radio multi-channels, radio teletypes, and manual radios to the front lines. A vast network of Army communication system from Washington DC to the rest of the world to carry a message around the world in three and a half minutes.
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