'Sieg im Westen' (Victory in the West) depicts Germany in World War I, and the first phase of German assault on France and the Low Countries during World War II. German troops swear loyalty to Nazi germany Fuhrer Adolf Hitler. Panoramic views of the German countryside. Mountains, farmers harvesting crops, German cities, a cathedral, steel mills and coal mines. German troops reviewed at a colonial post. German troops advance during World War I. German President Paul Von Hindenburg and Generalquartiermeister (Quartermaster general) Erich Ludendorff. Animated maps depict powers allied with and arrayed against Germany in WW I, the extent of German advances, and the effect of the Versailles Treaty on Germany's borders. Forts are demolished, cannon and hangars destroyed, ships scuttled, and planes junked. German communists arouse crowds. Communist literature, montage demonstrates hyperinflation during the Weimer Republic. Inflated price posted on food. German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler reviews storm troops. Paul Von Hindenberg reviews German troops. German troops train with wooden tanks. French Prime Minister Andre Leon Blum and other officers review a military parade at Champ-Elysees in Paris. Troops march before the Arc de Triomphe. Paul Von Hindenberg appoints Adolf Hitler Reichchancellor. Hitler spades some earth, men build factories, war material production begins, and concrete is laid for an autobahn (freeway). (This clip is the first in a consecutive series of clips comprising the entirety of the production "Sieg Im Westen")
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