Pictures taken by military and news cameramen during World War II. The Battle of Midway, June 1942: A fleet of U.S. warships underway off the Midway Island. U.S. aircraft bomb the Island. A Japanese ship is hit. The ship on fire. Black smoke rises from the wreckage. U.S. soldiers fire deck guns at Japanese aircraft. Pacific Theater: U.S. Army Air Force C-47 Skytrains or Dakotas in flight over the battlefield. Allied parachute troops and supplies dropped from the aircraft in New Guinea. Parachute troops descend towards the ground. Allied aircraft carriers underway. U.S. aircraft on a carrier deck. Airmen prepare the aircraft for take off. The aircraft taxi and take off. U.S. B-24 Liberators drop bombs. Explosions as deck guns are fired. Explosions near a ship in the water. A U.S. carrier under kamikaze attack by a Japanese aircraft. The hit aircraft descends towards the ship and into the water.
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