Pictures taken by military and news cameramen during World War II. France, June 1940: German troops march before the Arc de Triomphe on Champs Elysses after the Battle of France. A German Nazi flag. French Forces of the Interior (FFI) Maquis march in the woods of France. Newspapers run by the underground army. The Maquis members secretly attend a meeting of French collaborationists allied with occupying Germany, to attain information. French Collaborationists listen to the speaker during the meeting, seated beneath a large banner indicating support for the fight against Socialism or Bolshevism, "Le Europe unie contre le Bolchevisme." Nazi posters altered by the FFI to their advantage. FFI resistance fighters raise a flag in a forest encampment. Aerial of London England in an area with many neon lights and neon advertising : Women in elaborate clothes enter a theatre to watch war pictorial films about World War II.
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