France under German occupation during World War II. Vichy French fascist militia (under Joseph Darnand) round up FFI (French Forces of the Interior) members. They march FFI members out of a building. German soldiers search French civilians. They stop and check civilians on bicycles and in cars. The bullet ridden windshield of a car used by FFI. A soldier with a revolver talks to a French farmer. Soldiers check an elderly farmer. A man gives a 5 Francs note. Close up view of the French currency bill. Smiling German soldiers march towards Normandy. They take cover from while under aerial attack by U.S. aircraft. Antiaircraft guns fired at the aircraft. Soldiers load and fire artillery. Aircraft drop bombs over target areas. A plane is hit, descends and crashes. Soldiers in camouflaged trucks and cars pass by cheering troops. German officers greet each other. Officers and soldiers keep watch through shrubs. Soldiers on guard with guns. German General Günther von Kluge discusses strategy, reviewing a map with his soldiers. A damaged sign post reads 'Caution. Enemy in Sight!'
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