The bombed-out city of Caen, France during World War 2. Bomb damaged buildings. A winged angel statue atop a column seen amidst the damage. The statue holds what appear to be garlands in each hand. Wrecked trucks and vehicles amidst the ruins. French refugees evacuate the city. The men, women, and children refugees move with their belongings, run for cover under enemy fire. French men push a goods cart on a road. German soldiers leaving the city of Caen. German soldiers on motorcycles. A stationary rail car. German Wehrmacht Army soldiers in military vehicles and camouflaged tanks. Tanks move across a field. German officers in discussion. Panzer troops fire tank guns. Explosions on the battlefield. U.S. Army or Canadian prisoners or POWs marched with hands in air by Germans. German officers and soldiers inspect wrecked American and Canadian vehicles and tanks. A pierced tank. A shirt on ground with words "Canadian Armoured Corps". Several views closeup of wrecked Allied tanks.
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