The occupation and liberation of Paris during World War II. Germany occupies Paris in June 1940. A Nazi flag on the Eiffel Tower. Adolf Hitler with Nazi officers. Germans unfurl the Nazi flag on the Alsace-Lorraine Memorial. Hitler and his officers driven through the Place de la Concorde and past the Arc de Triomphe. Parisians close their shops. A man removes a Vichy poster and scribbles on a wall. Parisians listen to U.S. General Dwight Eisenhower's broadcast from London on June 6, 1944: The Allied task forces advance towards France on D-Day. Naval guns shell Normandy. Allied troops land on the beachhead and advance inland. Some fall to German gunfire. Headquarters of the Paris Underground. Members of the French Forces of the Interior (FFI) discuss, plan, document, prepare grenades, check guns, and wear badges of freedom with the FFI symbol. The French underground barricade streets. Men, women and children build barricades using various material. They inspect their guns and take their positions behind sand bag barricades on sidewalks. FFI soldiers honored. Burning vehicles on the roads. Street fighting between the FFI and the Germans. Corpses on the street. FFI men holding flags. Medics carry a wounded on stretcher. German tanks roam the streets. Wrecked vehicles and war equipment. FFI soldiers fire at German tanks. German snipers fire while French forces equipped by the U.S. are liberating the city. Explosions on the street. Civilians take cover. FFI fighters inspect a German soldier's corpse. They take German prisoners. French troops and military vehicles close in on Paris. Civilians watch and cheer as they enter the city. Barriers built by the FFI are pulled aside to let the troops pass. French forces in American tanks pass the Eiffel Tower. Explosions and machine gun fire during the street fighting. French soldiers fire at Germans hiding in buildings. Several German prisoners. German officers and soldiers surrender. Parisians watch as they are herded to prisons. Prisoners clean street.
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