A group of uniformed Luxemberger National Partei (LNP) members lead a parade across the Adolphe Bridge across the Pétrusse River, in Luxembourg, during World War 2. The State Savings Bank building is seen in the background. They are followed by large numbers of LNP men in dark trousers, white shirts, and dark ties, wearing swastika arm bands. Scene shifts to center of city where spectators line the sidewalks to watch the parade. The parade proceeds toward the Luxembourg Railway Station (bahnhof), where a small group of Luxemburger Volksjugend (LVJ), an organization similar to the Hitler Youth, are seen marching. Spectators acknowledge them with Nazi salutes. Scene changes to a courtyard where volunteer Luxembourg soldiers present arms as German Army officers descend steps from a building, to review them and contingents of LNP and LVJ. Senior German Nazi Party official, Gauleiter Gustav Simon, leads the reviewing group. A Luxembourg military band plays. Closeup of Luxembourg soldiers. Boys and girls of the LVJ youth render the Nazi salute.
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