U.S. President Lyndon B Johnson meets with Soviet Premier Alexey Kosigin for the Glassboro Summit Conference in Glassboro, New Jersey. President Johnson with Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara wait for Kosygin at the Hollybush Mansion. The Soviet Premier arrives for the first summit talks. He is accompanied by the Soviet Foreign Minister Andrey Gromyko and Soviet Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Dpbrynin. The U.S. and Soviet officials greet each other. The press present at the event. Photographers and cameramen record the proceedings. The officials and their translators and aides proceed for the talks. Kosygin on a sight seeing trip to the Niagara Falls between the two talks. The Premier and his aides in raincoats view the Falls from a boat called 'Maid of the Mist'. He waves to the people around. Police guards control a large crowd and the press gathered at the venue. President Johnson, First Lady Claudia Johnson and daughter Lynda greet Premier Kosygin and his daughter Ludmilla as they arrive. Cameramen and photographers record the proceedings. The Soviet Premier waves to the crowds. President Johnson, Kosygin and other officials enter the building.
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