Funeral ceremony for the American Unknown Soldier of World War 1, just before burial at the Tomb of the Unknowns, (or Tomb of the Unknown Soldier) in Arlington National Cemetery. United States President Warren G. Harding arrives at the Memorial Amphitheatre in Arlington National Cemetery. The President along with military officers climbs up the stairs and enters the building. Chief Plenty Coos of the Native American Indian Crow Indian tribe arrives at the Memorial Amphitheater wearing full Indian regalia. Other Native American Indian tribesmen exit a car in native dress. The procession, including robed men playing brass and singing, arrives. Soldiers carry the casket and place it on a platform decorated with wreaths. Prayers are said by clergy present as people stand with bowed heads. Harding begins his speech with a two minute silence (at the Ampitheater and around the Nation). Camera pans over large, quiet crowd with Washington DC in the far distant backgound. President Harding speaks about the Unknown Soldier. He talks about the sacrifices made by American soldiers to uphold the freedom of the country. Slates indicate quotes from President Harding's speech, "We know not whence he came, but only that his death marks him with the everlasting glory of an American dying for his country....He may have been a native or an adopted son; that matters little, because the glorified the same loyalty, they sacrificed alike. He died for his country, and greater devotion has no man than this. He died unquestioning, uncomplaining, with faith in his heart and hope on his lips, that his country should triumph and its civilization survive." President Harding bestows the Congressional Medal of Honor on the Unknown Soldier, laying the medal upon the casket. United States and foreign military officers and dignitaries present pay tribute to the Unknown Soldier, including presentation of the Victoria Cross by Admiral of the Fleet Lord Beatty, on behalf of King George V of the United Kingdom.
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