Film opens showing people in an American city (possibly Chicago) celebrating the Allied victory over Japan on VJ Day, August 15th, 1945. Scene shifts abruptly to Chicago, Illinois, where French General Charles de Gaulle is seen saluting in a reviewing stand at Victory Plaza near Lasalle Street entrance to City Hall. (On August 24th, he had accepted an invitation from Mayor Edward Kelly to stop in Chicago on August 27-28, 1945, during his visit to the U.S. and Canada.) Next, general de Gaulle and Mayor Kelly are seen in an open car in a motorcade amidst crowds of well-wishers. Enthusiastic spectators run along side their car. Glimpse of a dense crowd of people, including a contingent of sailors in dress whites. Final scene shows General de Gaulle speaking with reporters and photographers near a sign reading "W-G-N." (A Chicago radio station). (World War II period).
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