Operation "Roads End,"involving the post-war scuttling of the Japanese submarine fleet. U.S. sailors opening boxes of demolition charges on the deck of Japanese Sen Toku I-400-class submarine aircraft carrier, number I-402, moored in Sasebo Bay, Japan. (It was converted to a tanker sub, and completed only 3 weeks before the end of the war, and never placed in service. I-402 is one of only 3 such boats ever completed.) A U.S. Navy launch, approaches and ties up to the I-402. Close view of the submarine as the launch approaches. Vice Admiral Robert M. Griffin, commander of U.S. Naval Forces,Japan, a Rear Admiral, and a Captain, climb from the launch onto the submarine. Scene shifts to a smaller sub ,tied up next to the I-402, where an U.S. Army Colonel, and Navy Captain, are conferring with a Japanese officer. A utility boat is tied up in the background. The Army colonel goes into a hatch leading below decks followed by the Navy Captain. Next scene shows Admiral Griffin emerging from an open hatch on the deck of the I-402. He speaks to a navy Commander standing nearby. Empty explosives boxes, previously seen, are now stacked in a pile near the boat's conning tower. Camera shows a Japanese aircraft carrier moving past a Japanese submarine. View from deck of the I-402, showing the smaller sub to the right, and another Japanese sub, behind, with smoke rising from it. High hills overlooking the bay, in background. Admiral Griffin conversing with the Rear Admiral. Japanese crew lounging on the utility boat next to the I-402. Group of American officers conversing near the hangar door of the I-402. View downward from the conning tower, of the admirals and other officers. U.S. Army Colonel points out something on deck of nearby small submarine. An I-400 class submarine and a Japanese cruiser. Japanese sailor opens hangar door of I-402. Admiral Griffin and his aide, inspect inside. The two admirals and the Captain examining the hangar.All the American officers gathered on deck of the I-402.
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