Toronto Policemen participate in annual "Church Parade" to honor fallen from World War 1. The Police Pipe Band leads the parade past the City Hall Branch of the Dominion Bank, at Queen and Bay Streets. They are followed by uniformed policemen wearing white gloves.The Pipe band continues along tree-lined section of street. Police official on horseback leads the uniformed police officers. A contingent of mounted police take part in the parade. An elderly man in Police uniform stands with three elderly officials, in top hats, in front of the Toronto City Hall, where members of another police band in uniform, stand, at ease, conversing. Spectators are gathered under a flagpole. A Color Guard of police officers stands at attention. The four elderly gentlemen are assisted in placing a floral wreath at the base of the World War I memorial at the City Hall. Inscription: "To Our Glorious Dead" is seen on the monument. The four men stand as the police band plays music.
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