An animated film shows the potentialities of Convair B-58 aircraft as a weapon system. Animation shows Convair B-58 aircraft in flight. One nuclear weapon is equivalent to all bombs dropped in World War II. The animated Convair B-58 aircraft in flight with pods under its wing. The seating of Pilot and Defense System Operator inside the Convair B-58 aircraft. Animated Convair B-58 aircraft releases pod. Diagram depicts the difference between Convair B-58 aircraft and Conventional Bomber. Animation shows the flying level of the Convair B-58 aircraft and other aircraft to defend itself from ground attack. Animated Convair B-58 aircraft with its wave velocity. Animation shows pilots checking radar. Diagram shows difference in navigation accuracy, size and weight of the present Convair B-58 aircraft versus previous aircrafts.
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HD Master, Broadcast-ready (1920x1080, unmarked) | 3233 MB | $250.00 | $79.00 |
HD Screener (1920x1080, full-res with timecode) | 3233 MB | FREE or $4 (see below) | FREE or $4 (see below) |
Proxy (320x240, low-resolution, watermarked) | 52 MB | FREE or $4 (see below) | FREE or $4 (see below) |