German World War 2 training film about the Messerschmitt Me-262 jet airplane. German ground crewman cleans engine nacelle marked "B4" on left wing of an Me-262 jet airplane, while another stands on the wing looking into the cockpit. The number "10" and "JL" are displayed on the fuselage. Two Luftwaffe pilots converse while standing near the aircraft. A ground crewman gives Nazi salute and appears to report the aircraft ready. The two pilots walk past the front of the airplane. Covers are in place over the engine intakes. While the pilots converse, a ground crewman removes the covers. The pilots walk to the engine, and the senior (presumably instructor) pilot removes a cap from its top and climbs up on the engine, as a ground crewman installs a screen in the engine intake (presumably to minimize foreign object damage from ground operation). The student pilot sits in the cockpit as the instructor pilot explains the aircraft displays and controls. Closeup of labels over the switches in the cockpit. Closeup of individual levers marked E5, E6, and E7, with on and off positions. Engine throttles (power levers) with pilot's gloved hand on them. Closeup of the instructor and student discussing aircraft controls. Schematic diagram showing throttle controls and metering of fuel to their respective engines.
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