ME-262 aircraft training in Germany. A German Air Force officer is seen in his office, discussing the ME-262 jet airplane with a Technical Sergeant. The officer wears an iron cross decoration. A picture of German Air Force Commanding Marshal, Hermann Goering, is displayed on the office wall. The two of them walk to a blackboard, where the officer begins to sketch the outline of an ME-262 in chalk. The Sergeant interrupts him and draws a cartoon of a pilot in the cockpit. They both laugh. The officer erases the cartoon and proceeds to illustrate with chalk, schematics linking various functioning parts of the plane. They walk to another section of the office, where a picture of Adolf Hitler is seen on the wall. The Sergeant lights the Officer's cigarette, and as they both sit down, the Sergeant lights a pipe. The Sergeant also wears the iron cross decoration on his uniform. They continue talking about flying the jet airplane. Then they move to a table, where the Officer uses a set of desk pens to illustrate use of engine controls in the jet plane. He then makes a brief phone call and the officer welcomes a flight mechanic who arrives as the Technical Sergeant is leaving the office.
(World War II; WW II; World War 2; World War Two)
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