Narrated feature describing first 50 days of U.S. Army troops fighting in the Korean War. U.S. Army soldiers from the 24th Division. Views of soldiers climbing mountains and looking through binoculars. Soldiers walk through rice paddy field and cover themselves and their weapons in natural camouflage. Soldiers dug in. Soldiers rest, splashing water from a pond, sleeping and resting on the ground. Soldier removes his shoes and massages his foot. Soldier sleeps on the ground and others dig foxholes. South Korean workers carrying ammunition and supplies for U.S. Army. South Korean refugees evacuating on foot. Army soldiers catch some North Korean communists among the refugees. Army soldier guarding North Korean prisoners with hands behind their heads. United Nations officer with UN armband examines prisoners.
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HD Master, Broadcast-ready (1920x1080, unmarked) | 1862 MB | $195.00 | $79.00 |
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