A car drives up to the Lincoln Building, in Detroit, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Ford step from the car and walk toward the entrance.They are met by Henry Leland, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Leland, who come out to greet them. A chauffeured car arrives carrying Henry and Mrs. Ford, who walk from their car to the entrance where they are greeted by the Lelands. The group poses on the building step, from left to right: Henry Leland, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Leland, Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford. Henry Leland does an impromptu dance which Henry Ford briefly imitates. The group enters the building. Inside the building, company founders, Henry Leland, and Henry Ford, respectively, stand as Edsel Ford (President of Ford Motor Company) signs a document as a lawyer witness sits nearby. Henry Leland (President of Lincoln Motor Company) signs the document while a different witness lawyer sits nearby. The lawyers step in momentarily, and Henry Leland is again seen signing a document. He steps away, and a lawyer sits down and signs as witness.
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