A dramatized film entitled "Beachhead to Berlin" describes preparations for the Allied invasion of France and the drive toward Berlin. Film combines actors and actual footage. Harbor in Greenway England in July, 1944. U.S. Coast Guard Barracks. Coast Guard men playing cards. One on a bunk contemplating. Chaplain's office: Chaplain typing and smoking a pipe. Audio narration of his letter being read, describing how things transpired at the Normandy beaches during the Invasion of France. Then actual footage of wounded being transported on ships after D-Day Normandy invasion. In England, footage of LCIs, LCVPs, Coast Guard cutters, including the Flying Angel Rescue Cutter. All of these ships participating in "dry run" practices for the actual Normandy landing. Coast Guard crews on decks of ships. Infantry loading landing crafts in England for dry runs. Landing craft arriving on English beaches during dry runs. A jeep drives off a landing craft and gets stuck on metal mesh on the beach. A tank is driven off a landing craft. Men maintaining ships. Scraping rust from the deck, painting identifications on ships, repairing rope ladders, and welding. (World War II period).
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